Friday, November 29, 2019
Salman Rushdies Chekov and Zulu free essay sample
Most of the stories in Salman Rushdie’s book East, West regard the subject of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s assassination in 1984. Indira Gandhi was the first and to date the only female Prime Minister of the Republic of India has had. She served for three consecutive terms from 1966-1977 and for a fourth term from 1980 until her assassination in 1984. When Indira Gandhi returned for a fourth term in 1980, she became involved in a conflict with separatists, specifically the Sikh religious group, in Punjab. Two of Indira Gandhi’s bodyguards, both Sikhs, assassinated her with machine guns in the garden of her residence on October 31, 1984. The assassination led to rampages, riots and chaos in New Delhi, the capital city of India. Over the next few days, mobs ran through the streets of New Delhi and other parts of India, killing several thousand Sikhs. The 25-page story â€Å"Chekov and Zulu†, based in London, starts off a few days after the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi; it revolves around two main charactersâ€â€Chekov, a Hindu and Zulu, a Sikhâ€â€and the effect of Indra Gandhi’s assassination on their friendship. We will write a custom essay sample on Salman Rushdies Chekov and Zulu or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In 1994, the year when East, West was published, violence against the Sikhs diminished, although other conflicts arose. Ethnic and regional tensions formed between India and Pakistan, leading to the Kashmir conflict, a dispute over the most northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent. Current events in the year 1994, such as the previous example, contributed to the audience’s viewpoints about â€Å"Chekov and Zulu†. Interestingly enough, Chekov and Zulu received their names from two fictional characters from Star Trek, which in 1994, was widely popular.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Finnish Culture of Michigans Upper Peninsula
Finnish Culture of Michigan's Upper Peninsula Tourists to the remote towns of the Upper Peninsula (UP) of Michigan may be puzzled by the many Finnish flags adorning local businesses and homes. Evidence of Finnish culture and ancestral pride is ubiquitous in Michigan, which is less surprising when taking into account that Michigan is home to more Finnish Americans than any other state, with the majority of these calling the remote Upper Peninsula home (Loukinen, 1996). In fact, this region has more than fifty times the proportion of Finnish Americans than the rest of the United States (Loukinen, 1996). The Great Finnish Emigration  Most of these Finnish settlers arrived on American soil during the â€Å"Great Finnish Immigration.†Between 1870 and 1929 an estimated 350,000 Finnish immigrants arrived in the United States, many of them settling in an area that would be come to known as the â€Å"Sauna Belt,†a region of especially high population density of Finnish Americans encompassing the northern counties of Wisconsin, the northwestern counties of Minnesota, and the central and northern counties of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (Loukinen, 1996).  But why did so many Finns choose to settle half a world away? The answer lies in the many economic opportunities available in the â€Å"Sauna Belt†that were extremely scarce in Finland, a common dream to earn enough money to buy a farm, a need to escape from Russian oppression, and the Finn’s deep cultural connection to the land. Finding Home Half a World Away Like Finland, Michigan’s many lakes are the modern day remnants of glacial activity from thousands of years ago. In addition, due to Finland and Michigan’s similar latitude and climate, these two regions have very similar ecosystems. Both areas are home to seemingly ubiquitous pine-dominated mixed forests, aspens, maples, and picturesque birches. For those living off the land, both regions are located on beautiful peninsulas with a rich fish stock and woods full of delicious berries. The forests of both Michigan and Finland are home to a plethora of birds, bears, wolves, moose, elk, and reindeer. Like Finland, Michigan experiences bitterly cold winters and mild summers. As a result of their common high latitude, both experience very long days in the summer and significantly shortened daylight hours in the winter. It is easy to imagine that many of the Finnish immigrants arriving in Michigan after such a long sea voyage must have felt like they had found a piece of home half a world away. Economic Opportunities The primary reason Finnish immigrants chose to immigrate to the US was for the job opportunities available in the mines prevalent in the Great Lakes area. Many of these Finnish immigrants were young, uneducated, unskilled men who had grown up on small rural farms but did not own land themselves (Heikkil Uschanov, 2004). By Finnish rural tradition, the eldest son inherits the family farm. As the family plot of land is generally only large enough to support one family unit; splitting the land among siblings just was not an option. Instead, the oldest son inherited the farm and paid the younger siblings a cash compensation who were then forced to find work elsewhere (Heikkil Uschanov, 2004). The Finnish people have a very deep cultural connection to the land, so many of these younger sons who were unable to inherit land were looking for some way to earn enough money to buy land to operate their own farm. Now, in this point in history, Finland was experiencing rapid population growth. This rapid population growth was not accompanied by a rapid increase in industrialization, as seen in other European countries during this time, so a widespread job shortage occurred. At the same time, American employers were actually experiencing a labor shortage. In fact, recruiters were known to come to Finland to encourage frustrated Finns to immigrate to America for work. After some of the more adventurous Finns took the leap to emigrate and sailed to America, many wrote back home describing all of the opportunities they had found there (Loukinen, 1996). Some of these letters were actually published in local newspapers, encouraging many other Finns to follow them. â€Å"Amerika Fever†was spreading like wildfire. For the young, landless sons of Finland, immigration began to seem like the most viable option. Escaping Russification The Finns met these efforts to effectively eradicate their culture and political autonomy with widespread backlash, especially when Russia mandated a conscription law that forcibly drafted Finnish men to serve in the Russian Imperial Army. Many young Finnish men of conscription age saw serving in the Russian Imperial Army as unjust, unlawful, and immoral, and chose instead to emigrate to America illegally without passports or other travel papers. Like those who ventured to America seeking work, most if not all of these Finnish draft-dodgers had intentions to eventually return to Finland. The Mines The Finns were wholly unprepared for the work that awaited them in the iron and copper mines. Many had come from rural farming families and were inexperienced laborers. Some immigrants report being ordered to begin work the same day that they arrived in Michigan from Finland. In the mines, most of the Finns worked as â€Å"trammers,†the equivalent of a human pack mule, responsible for filling and operating wagons with the broken ore. Miners were horrendously overworked and were subjected to extremely dangerous working conditions in an era where labor laws either didn’t properly exist or were largely unenforced. In addition to being completely ill-equipped for the manual component of mining work, they were equally unprepared for the transition from the completely culturally homogenous rural Finland to a high stress working environment working side by side with other immigrants from many different cultures speaking many different languages. The Finns responded to the massive influx of other cultures by shrinking back into their own community and interacting with other racial groups with great hesitation. Finns in the Upper Peninsula Today With such a high proportion of Finnish Americans in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, it is no wonder that even today Finnish culture is so intricately intertwined with the UP. The word â€Å"Yooper†means several things to the people of Michigan. For one, a Yooper is a colloquial name for someone the Upper Peninsula (derived the acronym â€Å"UP†). Yooper is also a linguistic dialect found in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan that is heavily influenced by Finnish due to the masses of Finnish immigrants who settled in Copper Country. In the UP of Michigan it is also possible to order a â€Å"Yooper†from Little Caesars Pizza, which comes with pepperoni, sausage, and mushrooms. Another signature UP dish is the pasty, a meat turnover that kept the miners satisfied through a hard day’s work in the mine. Yet another modern reminder of the UP’s Finnish immigrant past lies in Finlandia University, a small private liberal arts college established in 1896 in the thick of Copper Country on the Keweenaw Peninsula of the UP. This University boasts a strong Finnish identity and is the only remaining university established by Finnish immigrants in North America. Whether it was for economic opportunities, an escape from political oppression, or a strong cultural connection to the land, Finnish immigrants arrived in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan in droves, with most, if not all, believing that they would soon return to Finland. Generations later many of their descendants remain in this peninsula that looks eerily like their motherland; Finnish culture is still a very strong influence in the UP.
Friday, November 22, 2019
A Nation of Idiots Analysis
What evidence does Moore offer to support his contention that America is a nation of idiots? Is calling us all a nation of idiots an effective way to get our attention and sympathies? Moore shares a number of personal experiences in this selection to dramatize his disgust with formal education. Overall, how would you characterize his attitude toward school and schooling? What textual evidence leads you to make those conclusions?What are the potential problems with using this kind of rhetorical or argumentative strategy in his writing? Moore offers evidence of public ignorance to support that America is a nation of idiots. He does this by stating, â€Å"Only 11 percent of the American public bothers to read a daily newspaper, beyond the funny pages or the used car ads†(Idiot Nation excerpt, Colombo, Cullen, Lisle, 129).This example is a good reflection of Moore’s attitude and style of grabbing the reader’s attention. He relates to the readers in simple terms, but always with a hint of sarcasm. I believe that calling America a â€Å"nation of idiots†is an effective way of getting us to listen. The way Moore sees it, schools have used various tactics to educate its students and politicians have used different forms of engaging the public, but the public is not interested.Moore states, â€Å"A nation that not only churns out illiterate students but goes out of its way to remain ignorant and stupid is a nation that should not be running this world – at least not until a majority of its citizens can locate Kosovo (or any other country it has bombed) on the map†(Idiot Nation excerpt, Colombo, Cullen, Lisle, 129). The potential problem with using this kind of rhetorical strategy in his writing is that the readers probably do not think of themselves as â€Å"idiots†and therefore will assume that Moore’s words do not apply to them and readers will tune out.Another problem is Moore will offend some of his audience and naturally these audience members will become defensive and disregard Moore’s current and future work. Moore does not see schooling in America as an effective way of educating the nation. He also views it as a very harmful environment that teaches children not to question authority and not to think, but rather do as they are told. â€Å"They learn that to rock the boat could get them rocked right out of school†(Idiot Nation excerpt, Colombo, Cullen, Lisle, 143).
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Multigenre paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Multigenre paper - Essay Example Power is now vested in institutions and not individuals, further, these institutions are designed in a way that allows them to manage and check the powers borne by every institution. However, the absence of a critical example in modern day does not mean such examples never existed, on the contrary, there are a myriad of such examples. One critical lesson to be learnt from the absolute power contexts is that it only leads to vicious, ruthless, and corrupt leadership. This research takes interest in the life of Al Capone; his is an example of a man born in poverty and rose to become the head of a vicious criminal gang in Chicago, actually, head of crime in Chicago (Bardsley). Through him the transformation of a man by power is manifest and the result of having greater power is obvious. Review Al Capone was a Chicago mobster, one of the most talked about gang leaders in the history of United States. However, Al Capone’s life was not entirely laden with crime; he had started off a s an honest young boy, who sought to lead a decent life like his father, who ran a barbershop. His effort to lead a balanced life was disrupted by two men Johnny Torrio and Frankie Yale (Balsamo 8). Both men were gang leaders with the only difference being their means of managing their criminal activities. Torrio was a diplomatic and a shrewd businessman who silently and wisely expanded his criminal activities (Lorrizo 24). He was the first criminal leader Al Capone worked under and had a chance to interact and learn from. The other was Yale; Yale was a brutal man who expanded his criminal reach through brute and murder. Al Capone had a chance to work under him as well. However, it was through Torrio that Al Capone honed his criminal life, as expected he had learnt from two extremes and he never shied from implementing the lessons from his mentors (Eig-WSJ). Being shrewd and brutal allowed for his fast expansion owning brothels, gambling houses and bootlegging businesses in quick su ccession (Knight 54). This built up his empire fast enough and allowed him a lot of power. Unlike his preferred mentor, Torrio, Al Capone led a more public life which meant his actions were much more publicized than Torrio’s (Capone 29). Under his leadership, following Johnny Torrio’s retirement, Al Capone became a target by rival gangs and by Chicago’s authority. This fact seemed to make him more brutal and unforgiving a characteristic of absolute power. His monster side was defined by two events; one was when he ordered the murder of his two sworn enemies in 1926 and when he masterminded St. Valentine’s Day massacre in 1929 (Capone 52). Both of these events dealt a major blow to his reputation and provided a leeway for his prosecution (Eig 321). He was duly sentenced on June 1931 and committed to 11 years in prison (Al Capone Museum). Comparison Al Capone’s turnaround from an honorable childhood to a vicious gang leader reads like a tale. However , it is a true reflection of what unchecked power would do to an individual. His rise and subsequent fall is reminiscent of Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Macbeth is a play about an army general who served diligently and led conquests for the king only to be misguided by witches and his personal ambitions and affinity for power. He ended up killing his king and together with his evil wife masterminded other deaths of probable heirs and likely opposition
Monday, November 18, 2019
Netflix in 2012 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Netflix in 2012 - Case Study Example The five forces model has been rated in the table as shown. Netflix Company currently experiences medium entry barriers. The company does not experience much of the entry barriers. However, the company receives low cost of switching powers concerning the capital requirements thus enhancing financial stability. Besides, Netflix seems to be one of the leading movie rental companies with decline in the identity and loyalty to subscription (Thompson 140). The organizational returns are mainly linked to customers’ returns that have bargaining power in terms of the quantity of order, while most customers are not willing to make streams as before. The above is because most customers have found alternatives to watching movies. The organization experiences different types of competitors from all corners of the world including Amazon and blockbusters who deal in similar products. As in the case above, Netflix needs to redefine the strategy and offer the best video on demand based on customers experience (Thompson 147). The company experience high level of competitiveness splitting along two main service provisions, pay TV distributors and cash technological companies. For instance, the organization experiences Apple cash balance leading to a decline in sales from 11.84 to $77.37 in Nov 2011. It has also been facilitated by low switching cost of consumers (Thompson 140). The organization experiences high bargaining power of suppliers with the quality in content-based as part of the organizational key input. Otherwise, there is no specific substitute for movie contents. Therefore, suppliers are limited to high-quality contents (Thompson 140). As from the year 2000, the movie industry has experienced quite a big mode of transition from technology to electronics and multiple consumer opportunities. For instance, current
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Supply Chain Use Case Analysis Essay Example for Free
Supply Chain Use Case Analysis Essay The final assignment for the course is a Final Paper on two cases. The Final Paper should demonstrate understanding of the reading as well as the implications of new knowledge. The eight- to ten-page paper should integrate readings and course discussions into work and life experiences. It may include an explanation and examples from previous experiences as well as implications for future applications. Read the case study at the end of Chapter 15 and the case study at the end of Chapter 16, and thoroughly answer all the following questions. Supplement your answers with scholarly research using the Ashford Online Library. Each case study should be addressed in four to five pages, resulting in a combined Final Paper of eight to ten pages. Chapter 15 Case Study: The Realco Breadmaster 1. Develop a master production schedule for the breadmaker. What do the projected ending inventory and available-to-promise numbers look like? Has Realco â€Å"overpromised†? In your view, should Realco update either the forecast or the production numbers? 2. Comment on Jack’s approach to order promising. What are the advantages? The disadvantages? How would formal master scheduling improve this process? What organizational changes would be required? 3. Following up on Question 2, which do you think is worse, refusing a customer’s order upfront because you don’t have the units available or accepting the order and then failing to deliver? What are the implications for master scheduling? 4. Suppose Realco produces 20,000 breadmakers every week, rather than 40,000 every other week. According to the master schedule record, what impact would this have on average inventory levels? Chapter 16 Case Study: A Bump It is important to remember that college is not all about studying. College is a significant step into adulthood and should be treated as such. While you should not party the night away, do not keep your nose in your books to the point that you do not get to enjoy this time of your life. Business General Business Focus of the Final Paper The final assignment for the course is a Final Paper on two cases. The Final Paper should demonstrate understanding of the reading as well as the implications of new knowledge. The eight- to ten-page paper should integrate readings and course discussions into work and life experiences. It may include an explanation and examples from previous experiences as well as implications for future applications. Read the case study at the end of Chapter 15 and the case study at the end of Chapter 16, and thoroughly answer all the following questions. Supplement your answers with scholarly research using the Ashford Online Library. Each case study should be addressed in four to five pages, resulting in a combined Final Paper of eight to ten pages. Chapter 15 Case Study: The Realco Breadmaster 1. Develop a master production schedule for the breadmaker. What do the projected ending inventory and available-to-promise numbers look like? Has Realco â€Å"overpromised†? In your view, should Realco update either the forecast or the production numbers? 2. Comment on Jack’s approach to order promising. What are the advantages? The disadvantages? How would formal master scheduling improve this process? What organizational changes would be required? 3. Following up on Question 2, which do you think is worse, refusing a customer’s order upfront because you don’t have the units available or accepting the order and then failing to deliver? What are the implications for master scheduling? 4. Suppose Realco produces 20,000 breadmakers every week, rather than 40,000 every other week. According to the master schedule record, what impact would this have on average inventory levels?
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Food Production Essay -- essays research papers
Over the 10,000 years since agriculture began to be developed, peoples everywhere have discovered the food value of wild plants and animals, and domesticated and bred them. The most important crops are cereals such as wheat, rice, barley, corn, and rye; sugarcane and sugar beets; meat animals such as sheep, cattle, goats, and pigs or swine; poultry such as chickens, ducks, and turkeys; animal products such as milk, cheese, and eggs; and nuts and oils. Fruits, vegetables, and olives are also major foods for people. Feed grains for animals include soybeans, field corn, and sorghum. Separate articles on individual plants and animals contain further information. Tillage operations that prepare the soil for planting and control weeds also expose bare soil to possible erosion by wind and water. Erosion removes fertile soil and contributes to problems of air and water pollution. Several techniques are used to combat erosion. Crop farmers are shifting toward reduced-tillage techniques to prepare their seedbeds. Many keep a mulch cover of residues to shield their soil from wind and water erosion. Crop rotation and cover crops are also being increasingly used to hold soil in place between plantings. Still, many small-seeded crops require a finely worked, pulverized seedbed, and soil erosion cannot be completely eliminated. Fertilizers from both natural and manufactured sources can also contribute to water pollution. Soluble-nitrogen forms can leach into groundwater, and all fertilize...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Hiv Voluntary Counseling and Testing
Cyber-VCT Program The 2010 UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic states that based on the 2009 data, 33. 3 million people are living with HIV worldwide and Sub-Saharan Africa makes up 68% of the global total with 22. 5 million people living with HIV. 1 In an effort to address this epidemic, voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) programs have been implemented in many of rural and remote areas. VCT serves as the gateway to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support by allowing people to learn their HIV status.According to World Health Organization (WHO), knowledge of one’s HIV status benefits the individuals, community, and population through awareness and education. 2 Therefore, there have been great efforts to expand VCT services since inception over 20 years ago. Unfortunately, global participation remains low, especially in the remote areas. 3 Studies show that there are various reasons why people do not participate. Some of the main reasons are stigma, lack of awarene ss, lack of access, cost of the test, and test-related fears. Several VCT models have been implemented to address these concerns but research suggests that further work needs to be done. Organic Health Response (OHR) has piloted an innovative Cyber-VCT Program in Mfangano Island by using technology to attract residents to participate. The Cyber-VCT Program uses access to solar-powered internet as an incentive to attract people to do HIV testing. The people who participate become part of the Post-Test Club and have free access to the labs in the Cyber-VCT facility called Ekialo Kiona Center (EKC).The facility has confidential VCT rooms, solar-powered computer lab with satellite Internet, radio studio, seminar rooms, and an                                                             â€Å"Global report: UN AIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic 2010†(UNAIDS, 2010: http://www. unaids. org/globalreport/documents/20101123_GlobalReport_full_en. pdf). 2 World Health Organization, â€Å"Scaling-up HIV testing and counselling services: a toolkit for programme managers. †(WHO Press, 2005: http://www. who. nt/hiv/pub/vct/counsellingtestingtoolkit. pdf) 3 Information from World Health Organization on HIV testing and counselling accessed May 4, 2011: http://www. who. int/hiv/topics/vct/en/ 4 Joseph K. B. Matovu and Frederick E. Makumbi, â€Å"Expanding access to voluntary HIV counselling and testing in sub-Saharan Africa: alternative approaches for improving uptake, 2001–2007,†Tropical Medicine and International Health, 12:2 (November 2007), pp. 1315-1322. Page 1 of 6 1 Cyber-VCT Program open-air amphitheater.The program provides access to the only internet / library facility on the island and according to OHR, needs assessment and ethnographic research have sh own that residents are enthusiastic about having access to technology, which suggest the potential for program effectiveness. 5 There is a bi-annual membership renewal process where residents need to do individualized VCT session with a counselor from the International Medical Corps. This renewal process will provide the structure for more longitudinal effects.The ultimate goal of Cyber-VCT Program is to encourage voluntary counseling and testing, facilitate the process of referrals to Ministry of Health and FACES treatment programs, connect those who are HIV positive with locally formed psycho-social support, and improve dissemination of HIV education. It is more comprehensive and effective than community stand-alone VCT centers, mobile VCT, Routine offer of VCT or better known as provider-initiated HIV testing and counseling (PITC), and home-based VCT. These other VCT models have increased uptake but they have limitations that the Cyber-VCT program helps address.Stand-alone VCT ce nters values client initiation – people have to travel and access the services on their own but the stigma associated with it is a huge barrier that limits people from utilizing the services at the centers. The mobile VCT provides services with a mobile team traveling to communities in a van equipped with HIV-testing facilities. It addresses the issue of cost and accessibility but stigma and fears related to testing were not addressed. 6 PITC has proven to be effective in increasing participation through recommendations by providers to those attending health facilities.These patients are provided with the options to opt out but there were ethical concerns as to whether testing was actually voluntary because providers were not consistently counseling the patients Information from Organic Health Response website: http://organichealthresponse. org/cyber-vct-pilot. Jan Ostermann et al. , â€Å"Who tests, who doesn't, and why? Uptake of mobile HIV counseling and testing in the Ki limanjaro Region of Tanzania,†PLoS One 6:1 (January 2011) e16488. 6 5 Page 2 of 6 Cyber-VCT Program 7 thoroughly.Home-based VCT provides services at residents’ homes which addresses accessibility and cost concerns, in addition to eliminates the stigma resulting from being seen at a testing site, but it does not eliminate people’s fear of being stigmatized and rejected by their own family members. 8 The Cyber-VCT program is superior to these models because it helps to eliminate the stigma attached to getting HIV testing, ensures confidentiality, provide proper education, and focuses on sustainability through micro-clinic networks. The Cyber-VCT program has been pilot tested in Mfangano Island in Suba District Lake Victoria (West Kenya).OHR’s vision is to implement an effective comprehensive model starting with Mfangano Island and expanding it to the entire Lake Victoria through micro-clinic networks in hopes that the model can be implemented in other rural impoverished areas to continue fighting the HIV/AIDS epidemic worldwide. Mfangano Island is the appropriate pilot site because it has a population of 19,000 people with an estimate of over 30% local prevalence of HIV/AIDS. One of the major threats of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the island is the possible extinction of the indigenous Suba language and way of life.In addition, the neglected people of the island face various health, economic, political, environmental, and social issues. The island has no electricity and there is one road that circles the base of the island. The primary occupation is fishing and subsistence farming. The impoverished people rely on the Nile perch stock that has been the source of many other issues. The industrial Nile perch export fishery has resulted in unsafe â€Å"fish-for-sex†practices and natural resource depletion. The Nile perch stock has also caused interstate resource conflicts between Kenya and Uganda.Even worse is that                                                             Mercy K. Njeru et al. , â€Å"Practicing provider-initiated HIV testing in high prevalence settings: Consent concerns and missed preventive opportunities,†BMC Health Services Research, 11:87 (April 2011): http://www. biomedcentral. com/1472-6963/11/87. 8 Edgar M. Mulogo et al. , â€Å"Facility and home based HIV Counseling and Testing: a comparative analysis of uptake of services by rural communities in southwestern Uganda,†BMC Health Services Research, 11:54 (March 2011): http://www. iomedcentral. com/1472-6963/11/54. Page 3 of 6 7 Cyber-VCT Program overfishing and the environmental issues are endangering the existence of the Nile perch stock. Overpopulation, deforestation, and unsustainable farming practices are the cause of these environment al issues. 9 OHR is taking a comprehensive multi-step approach starting with the Cyber-VCT program to address the complex interconnected issues feeding into the HIV/AIDS problem. OHR plans to sustain the program by building a local infrastructure with micro-clinic networks that empowers the communities.The Cyber-VCT program is the first layer that serves as the gateway to these networks. The networks are formed to encourage people to support each other in an organic way and make the program attractive to residents. Interested participants will go through a five-week social solidarity program to receive education and training on tools to address the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The workshops will take place at EKC. The goal is for the program participants to provide continuous support to their communities in micro-clinic teams of 5-25 people.In this way, an infrastructure is established for future innovation, such as organic farm plots, composting bio-gas latrines, solar cooking ovens, youth r adio, and other sustainable projects, to occur. Most importantly, the infrastructure empowers local communities rather than merely looking â€Å"western. †The objective is to develop a mutually beneficial connection between the local community-based organizations and the international health governance systems rather than having the impoverished rural communities depend only on international assistance.Global scalability will depend on proving the effectiveness of the comprehensive model because the model required a great amount of resources. Obtaining support and acquiring funding from various entities will be crucial. The cost of building the center (sustainable ferro                                                            â€Å"Ripples of Dispute Surround Tiny Island in East Africa,†New York Times, August 16, 2009 (http://www. nytimes. com/2009/08/17/world/africa/17victoria. html). Page 4 of 6 9 Cyber-VCT Program ement design), research, program design, curriculum development, program staffing, implementation (community mobilization, training workshops) is estimated to be $339,000. This amount does not include the cost of land because it was donated by a community leader so the estimated cost for implementation at other areas may be higher. In addition, the $339,000 includes mostly upfront cost and further detailing of maintenance cost will need to be considered. Some of the maintenance cost will be related to technological equipment or systems, security, and infrastructure sustainability.A comparative study is necessary to show improvements in VCT uptake and HIV prevention, treatment, care and support, to attract funding for implementation in other remote impoverish areas that are affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Furthermore, each workshop within the sol idarity program will need to be closely evaluated to make improvements or eliminate any ineffective training and education. Beyond funding, the mutual beneficial relationship between the local communities and international organizations will also play an important role in scalability for resource stability.Strong local ownership of the program will also be invaluable. The networks will likely serve to engage residents organically because the micro-teams will consist of residents’ neighbors, friends, family members. Perhaps, to further encourage local ownership and stabilize the infrastructure, it may be effective to consider creating jobs for local residents to maintain the EKC and microclinics networks. Another layer to the program can be to train local residents to take on positions that may be initially be filled by international partners.OHR’s Cyber-VCT program strives to provide an innovation solution to address the HIV/AIDS epidemic in remote impoverished areas b y using technology. The program is more innovative than other VCT models in that people are incentivized to participate and become part of a network that is intended to build itself in an organic way. Furthermore, Cyber-VCT Page 5 of 6 Cyber-VCT Program program uses access to technology as cover and ensures confidentiality to address the people’s concern of being stigmatized, which is on the top of list of the many reasons why VCT participate rate remains low.Another way the program is more innovative is that it has a high chance of sustainability because of OHR’s focus on building a local infrastructure. The added benefit of establishing a local infrastructure is that it allows for further innovations to address other social, environmental, economic, political issues that are connected to the HIV/AIDS problem. In regards to scalability, securing funding by proving the effectiveness of the program, maintaining the mutually beneficial relationship between the local and nternational organizations, encouraging strong local empowerment, and other considerations such as creating local job opportunities for residents can help drive down cost and make the program scalable. As detailed in this paper, OHR’s Cyber-VCT program incorporated in the comprehensive model meets the five Tech Award evaluation criteria outlined on their website10 and is a great candidate for the award. 10 The Tech Awards Criteria: http://www. techawards. thetech. org/nominate/criteria/. Page 6 of 6
Saturday, November 9, 2019
M3- How Sales Techniques and Good Customer Service Have Evolved in the Organization
M3- how sales techniques and good customer service have evolved in the organization Sales techniques and good customer service have changed so much that customers are getting the right support they need with the product. In the last few years, Currys did not train its staff to a high level of standard but now it is expected that when a customer directly goes into a store, the staff will do their best to deliver good customer service using knowledge of what they already know about the product. Product knowledge is most essential in customer service as customers may need to know how a product will benefit them and the features it has. Signage above each section is a valuable sales technique used by Currys which directs the customer to where the product is placed. Not only is this a simple method but ensures that customers are able to find the right product in the most convenient way. This particular strategy of Currys was recently invented and it has been an improvement to customer service now on from the previous years. Some new features have been provided at Currys like the ‘Playtables and improved merchandising’ for example, which gets customers into trying the product and help them make informed choices about what tends to be worth buying. If customers would like to get in touch with a member of staff and discuss the complaints they may have, the Currys team of colleagues are its best in dealing with problems brilliantly. Before, the Automated System was not beneficial to customers as they had to leave a message and took time for them to respond quickly, so what Currys tends to do now is they recruit a set of colleagues and train them to use a service where responsibility is taken for the customer’s issue and they try to resolve the problem quickly. Price promise helps Curry’s to distinguish itself from their competitors; Comet, John Lewis, Argos, Staples, and Tesco. Other stores may have the same product, but Curry’s offer a 10% discount on their competitor’s price. Their tactic is to check what sort of prices different competitors may have and come up with the most unbeatable value to offer their customers with. However, whilst in the last several years customers had not been given an option of price promise, now Curry’s is under pressure from online retailers so they have to make sure the cheapest products are provided online for the customers. Curry’s tend to install and repair the products which are broken or damaged and as far as I have seen from the customer’s side of the view through their complaints on the online review; it seems that there are both positive and negative remarks from customer towards their customer service. One says that they had waited for a replacement of the product but the team told the customer that the part will not be in until 28 days. Whilst others thought the customer service was impressive with helpful staff to assist you with anything with the product itself. However, the team of colleagues may use the information provided by customers on the online review and make efficient improvements to the way sales techniques and good customer service was delivered in the last couple of years.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Determinants Of Customer Satisfaction In Airline Industry Tourism Essay Essay Example
The Determinants Of Customer Satisfaction In Airline Industry Tourism Essay Essay Example The Determinants Of Customer Satisfaction In Airline Industry Tourism Essay Essay The Determinants Of Customer Satisfaction In Airline Industry Tourism Essay Essay Introduction Customer satisfaction has been established as a psychological construct that involves the feeling of client s wellbeing and pleasance which consequences from obtaining what he or she hopes for and expects from devouring an appealing merchandise and/or service ( Florian and Maren, 2007 ; Christian, 2005 ; Abraham and Taylor, 1999 ) . While different scholarly write-ups have confirmed assortment of attacks to the account of client satisfaction/dissatisfaction in selling, in a comprehensive work done by Abraham and Taylor ( 1999 ) , they developed nine distinguishable theories of client satisfaction: viz. anticipation disconfirmation ; assimilation or cognitive disagreement ; contrast ; assimilation-contrast ; equity ; ascription ; comparison-level ; generalized negativeness ; and value-precept ( Oh and Park, 1997 ) . Customer satisfaction and service quality have besides been confirmed to be critical issues in most service industries, and are even extremely of import for Airline servic e suppliers that offer by and large uniform merchandises. For illustration, in the air hose industry, the chief attack to distinction and the principal agencies by which one Airline can separate itself from another is service before and after gross revenues services ( Stafford et al, 1998 ) . Otherwise, companies will be by and large unable to distinguish their services based on market offerings because Airlines offer state-mandated standardised products/services. The recent accent on service quality and client satisfaction in the Airline industry illustrates the increased importance Airlines are puting on client quality and satisfaction ( Halil et al, 2008 ) . As such, service quality measuring and client satisfaction are progressively going of import for service houses to remain in the concern ( Parasuraman et al. 1988 ) . And these service quality measurings processes differs across different industrial spheres, because the service director will account for the alone nature of services, while different service properties in each organisations are moving as determiners of client satisfaction because of the complex interrelatedness and dependableness that exist between them ( Fochen and Robert, 2003 ) . Customer satisfaction, one of the cardinal selling aims, is closely linked to client trueness, the likeliness of recommendation to others, cross-buying behaviour ; up-grading and lower monetary value sensitiveness ( Anderson, 1994 ; Matzler, 2005 ; Reichheld and Sasser, 1990 ; Zeithaml, 2000 ) . Literatures like Kurt et Al ( 2006 ) , have explore the dimensionality of monetary value satisfaction as a agency to find client satisfaction. In their paper, they through empirical observation find that monetary value satisfaction is a complex concept consisting of several dimensions, i.e. price-quality ratio, monetary value equity, monetary value transparence, monetary value dependability and comparative monetary value. Their analyses of these dimensions are given as therefore ; monetary value transparence is defined as increasing entree to information, entree to more options, more simplified minutess, increasing communicating between clients and a general misgiving and bitterness among cli ents. They argued that as a effect, clients will progressively demand unfastened, honest and complete information on merchandises and monetary values. Therefore, monetary value transparence can be considered as an of import facet of pricing policy. They concluded that monetary value transparence exists when the client can easy acquire a clear, comprehensive, current and effortless overview about a company s quoted monetary values ( Matzler et al, 2006 ) . They besides explained that price-quality ratio is when the consumers ascribe value to a merchandise or service topic to their perceptual experience of two factors: perceived monetary value and sensed quality, or, in other words, the price-quality ratio. They defined client value as a cognition-based concept that captures any benefit-sacrifice disagreement. They said if perceived quality exceeds perceived costs, client value is high, if cost exceeds quality, client value is low. In their decision, they explained that the purchasers perceptual experiences of value represent a tradeoff between the qualities of benefits they perceive in the merchandise relation to the forfeit they p erceive by paying the monetary value. 1.1 Background of the survey The history of Saudi Airline could be traced to 1945 when the so US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave a Douglas DC-3 plane as a nominal gift to the so Saudi Arabia King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud. This event really marked the Muslim Kingdom s gradual development in the civil air power industry. The Kingdom s chief bearer Saudi Arabian Airlines was founded in September 1946, which is to the full owned and controlled by Saudi authorities under the control of the Ministry of Defense. In add-on to the above development, the air hose took excess two bringing of Boeing 720s in 1962, giving it an chance to officially register its operations on 19 February 1963. This uninterrupted development has led into set uping the Kingdom s air hose as one of the taking in the industry, particularly Asia in peculiar ( ) . In fact, Saudi Airline has been confirmed as the part s second-largest air hose by turnover after the elephantine Emirates air hose ( ) . This is because Saudi air hose has continuously remained larger than the Qatar Airways in footings of its gross, and besides rated larger than the current fast turning air hose popularly called Etihad ( ) . But if measured by the Numberss of traffics in the part, the Saudi Arabian air hose will still be figure three behind the Qatar Airways and the Emirates ( ) . Part of the statements in favor of Saudi air hose is that it is strategically located at the hamlets between Africa, Asia, and Europe and besides functioning as the largest state within the Arabian Peninsula ( ) . But really of import concerns among its transit stakeholders is how to maximise this external chance in concurrence with its current population of about 28 million people that are still depending on few rail web and air travels, an issue that have been argued as a critical constituent to the economic development of Saudi Arabia ( ) . Following this tendency was why the Kingdom s authorities encouraged the thought of strategically leting the in private owned low cost air hose rivals to equal with the Saudi Arabian Airlines both in the domestic and international markets ( ) . This enterprise from the authorities was later reciprocated by the private investors foremost through the constitution of NAS air hose in February 2007, and Sama air hose in Marh, 2007 both ab initio concentrating on assorted trucks paths within the state ( ) . 1.2 Research job Due to inordinate subsidy of the conveyance system in Saudi Arabia, both the air and land conveyance sellers are strategically challenged on best attack to use in order to expeditiously get, service and retain profitable clients both within and outside the state ( ) . This issue of subsidised fuel monetary values does non except the Saudi Arabian air hose, but practicians have continuously argued in favor of the demand to take the menu cap so that sellers can handily vie without any fright of menu limitations ( ) . This and many more are the grounds that experts believe serves as the primary cause of Saudi Arabia air hose inability to strategically vie with other international air hoses like the Emirates and the Qatar Airlines ( ) . Sequel to the above practical issues in Saudi Arabia air hose, several writers have argued that service quality can be a strong differentiating factor for any Airline that wants to hike up their market portions and net income place ( Halil et al, 2008 ; Fochen and Robert, 2003 ; Dennis et Al, 1993 ) . Besides really recent among the scholarly write-up on Airline Customer Satisfaction is Ekiz et Al. ( 2006 ) , that developed an option to SERVQUAL and called it AIRQUAL. They emphasized that this graduated table is to get the better of the psychometrical application of bing jobs in Airline Service Quality scales, as ab initio guided by Churchill ( 1979 ) and Parasuraman et Al. ( 1985, 1988 ) . The findings of Ekiz et Al ( 2006 ) , through their AIRQUAL identified a graduated table of five distinguishable dimensions, i.e. ( air hose tangibles, terminal tangibles, forces, empathy, and image ) as a agency to successfully pull off and mensurate the quality perceptual experiences of air hose clients. Although, it is confirmed that they successfully developed the AIRQUAL graduated table, but groundss from other bookmans shows that their findings failed to place the impact of Airline monetary value, solution quality, and employee occupation satisfaction on client satisfaction, because these variables have been proven to be really important in finding client trueness ( Dean, 2007 ; Kau and Loh, 2006 ; Schiffman and Kanuk, 2004 ) . Sing Ekiz et Al ( 2006 ) and other writers restriction and given the importance of these dimensions to the Airline industry, this proposed survey wishes to develop on the findings of Ekiz et Al. s ( 2006 ) and other related literatures on Airline service quality and client satisfaction. And surveies like this will help in finding the true behavioural purposes of air hose clients in Saudi Arabia and the universe at big. This proposed research work has develop an extra variable ( Price ) with specific mention to literatures like Kurt et Al ( 2006 ) , which has explore the dimensionality of monetary value satisfaction as a agency to find client satisfaction. In their paper, they through empirical observation find that monetary value satisfaction is a complex concept consisting of several dimensions, i.e. price-quality ratio, monetary value equity, monetary value transparence, monetary value dependability and comparative monetary value. Besides service quality and employee satisfaction, another strong factor that has a direct bearing on a client s satisfaction with a service supplier is the quality of the solution that the service supplier provides for the client s concern job ( Whyte, Bytheway, and Edwards, 1997 ) . To accomplish the intended intent of this proposed survey, below is a proposed conceptual model for this research: Monetary value Customer Loyalty Loyalty Customer Satisfaction Satisfaction Service/Product Quality Quality Solution Quality Employee Satisfaction Satisfaction + + + + 1.3 Research Questions The undermentioned inquiries are based on the issues discussed in the research job by analysing the patterns of Airline industry in order to happen out the impact of Price, Product/Service Quality, and Solution Quality on Customer satisfaction. These research inquiries are meant to acquire a feedback from Airline clients that patronize Saudi Airline and a comparable industry leader such as Singapore Airline on what really constitute their Satisfaction and trueness. How does Price/Fare impact Customer satisfaction in Airline Industry? How does Product/Service Quality affect Customer satisfaction in Airline Industry? How does Employee Job Satisfaction impact Product/Service Quality in Airline Industry? How does Employee Job Satisfaction affect Solution Quality in Airline Industry? How does Solution Quality affect Customer satisfaction in Airline Industry? How does Customer satisfaction affect Customer Retention in Airline Industry? 1.4 Research Aims This primary aim of this survey is to set up the mutuality of Price perceptual experience, Service Quality, Employee Job Satisfaction and Solution Quality on client satisfaction and client trueness. To accomplish this, this survey plans to mensurate the impact of prosodies such as Price perceptual experience, Service Quality, Employee Job Satisfaction and Solution Quality on client s satisfaction and trueness in the Airline industry. Equally included in the survey aim is to prove the mediating impact of client satisfaction on client trueness, an issue the research worker believes will strong aid in better understanding the mechanism that are behind the relationships between the ancestors and result of client satisfactions within the air hose industry. The theoretical model is based on market orientation attack as a agency to researching and set uping the relationship between Efficient Airline undertakings as the independent variable and client s trueness as the dependant variable. To simplify this, the research worker has designed the following aims to capture the research job and supply replies to the research inquiries. To prove a theoretical account that can explicate the impact of Price, Service Quality, Employee Job Satisfaction and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty. Research nonsubjective 2: To find the mediating effects of Customer Satisfaction on Customer Retention/Loyalty. 1.5 Scope of the survey The focal point of this survey is to understand what facet of Airline operations determines Customer satisfaction. This research is limited to the Airline industry, where Saudi Arabia Airline and a prima Airline such as Singapore Airline will be selected for probe with a set of trying technique to research the determiners of client satisfaction and trueness. The focal point of this research is limited to the air hose industry, where selected clients from the air hose industry will be investigated with a set of trying technique to research their perceptual experiences of the air hose services within touristry industry as a strategic portion of touristry selling. The theoretical background of the research is base on market orientation attack and client satisfaction theories, while air hose Tourism will be study from the position of the clients. The research worker is be aftering to construction this research survey as a triangulated exploratory probe that will incorporate both qualitative and quantitative techniques, which will be chiefly based on an in-depth interview with directors and professionals from the Saudi Arabia air hose industry. 1.6 Significance of the research Airline Industry has been chosen as the topic of this survey because it will help in placing those variables that determine client satisfaction and trueness. To the Airline industry, this proposed research work will help in set uping industry criterion and help the faculty members in developing alternate theories and theoretical accounts that will ease the general operations of the Airline Industry ( Halil et al, 2008 ; Fochen and Robert, 2003 ; Dennis et Al, 1993 ) . Significance to the Academicians Very of import to the faculty members on this research is the item geographic expeditions of the linkages that are between air hose operational procedures, service quality and modern-day client satisfaction theories. Arguably, the bing literatures have implied that there exist a relationship between air hose operation procedures and client satisfaction ( ) , but till day of the month there is really small published empirical research in this country that is looking at the impact of monetary value, solution quality and employee satisfaction on client satisfaction and trueness. In add-on to this, bing theoretical spreads have indicated that there is demand for the faculty members to further explore, analyze, explain and spread out the links between client satisfaction theories and air hose operation processes. Given the aforesaid, this research will be chiefly lending to the faculty members through its conceptualisation and through empirical observation proving the impacts of air hose operational procedures like monetary value, service/product quality, employee occupation satisfaction and solution quality on client satisfaction and trueness within the air hose industry. Through the developments of a step that can find the impact of air hose operational procedures on client satisfaction and trueness will supply the empirical methods for the faculty members in better apprehension and able to foretell the existent relationship that is bing between service quality and client satisfaction theories within the air hose industry. Measuring the impact of monetary value will supply the cognition to find if addition or lessening in the monetary values of air hose services will take to better client satisfaction and improved client relationship public presentation or non. Significance to the Practitioners Airline direction and directors will profit by better understanding those factors that really influence the relationships that exist between their operation procedures and client satisfaction and purpose to buy back. In peculiar, air hose troughs will profit from their apprehension of how solution quality and monetary value can impact their relationship with the client, and how cardinal properties in air hose services can be developed and supported by operational procedures. Both the HR and Production directors will profit how employee satisfaction can be of important impact to their service quality and solution quality, specifically through their apprehension of the cardinal relationships that exist between air hose operational procedures and their client relationship public presentations. The enhanced cognition though this research would a long manner assist the air hose direction decision-making procedures when they are measuring their client relationship public presentations. In the concluding analysis, it is deserving adverting here that service quality can non be separated from the construct of client satisfaction. This is because the nature or features of the service has besides been found to act upon the comparative importance of the drivers of client satisfaction ( Zeithaml and Bitner, 2000 ) . 1.7 Proposed Methodology and informations aggregation procedure Though there are many methods of roll uping informations via study. In this proposed research work, primary informations for the intending statistical analysis will be collected through questionnaire design among the selected Airline clients in Saudi Arabia. The research worker is be aftering to follow a 2nd qualitative measuring to confirm research findings and aid in the interpretations of the research consequences with the aid of the Airline Experts/Managers. The Unit of Analysis is who or what that is being studied in a given research. Evidences from the societal scientific discipline research have established a unit of analysis as an organisation, an person, a societal interaction or a group of organization/individual. Associating the above into this research, the unit of analysis are the Airline clients that will be surveyed. 1.8 STRUCTURE OF THIS STUDY Chapter one introduces the research subject determiners of client satisfaction in air hose industry and argues on the grounds for utilizing monetary value, service quality and solution quality, besides included in it were statement of the research job, the research inquiries, the research aims, range and restrictions of the survey and significance of the research. Chapter two will specify the dimensions of service quality and offer the theoretical background of air hose selling through a series of literature reappraisals on touristry selling and client satisfaction. The theoretical background upon which the research worker plans to develop a theoretical model and hypothesis in signifier of sum-up will every bit be contained in chapter two. Chapter three will present the research methodological analysis to be employed in this research, by supplying a elaborate qualitative and quantitative attack to be applied on each instance survey ; and besides contain the processs for the choice of each instance, informations aggregation and treatment of informations quality that will help to find the cogency of the research. Chapter four will dwell of the descriptions and analyzes of the patterns of the air hose undertakings in Saudi air hose. The results of the findings on Saudi air hose will be presented for treatment in chapter five. While chapter six will analyse, discuss and do decisions sing the research inquiries and points to the theoretical part along with the managerial deductions contained in the research. Besides to be included in chapter six are the alternate recommendations as a way for future research.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Concepts of Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Concepts of Nursing - Essay Example nication, critical thinking, human diversity, informatics, interdisciplinary collaboration, nursing therapeutics, professional development, and theory based practice. The review and analysis of nursing literature provides definite indication that transition remains a central theme of nursing. The proper impact of the nine concepts of nursing is needed to bring about a successful transition in individuals. (Schumacher, K. L., & Meleis, A. I., 1994) Nursing as a profession evolved from caring, and has remained embedded in caring, but being a dynamic and challenging profession has in its development brought about the need for a merging of critical thinking skills and theory based practice into the character of caring of individuals, families and communities that face a disparate range of developmental and health-illness transitions. (Philosophy). Process, direction, and change to the fundamental patterns of life have remained the universal properties in transition. Transitions occur at the individual and family level, and also organizational level. Transitional change at the family and individual level occur in identities, roles, relationships, abilities, and patterns of behavior. Transitional change at the organizational level happens in the structure, function, and dynamics. There are conditions that upon transition are determining factors in the quality and consequences of transition. These conditions are meanings, expectatio ns, level of knowledge and skill, environment, level of planning, and emotional and physical well-being. (Schumacher, K. L., & Meleis, A. I., 1994). The role of the nursing profession is promotion of a successful outcome to these transitions and hence is responsible for accounting of the conditions that impact upon transition. Caring as a concept of nursing encompasses the emotional and physical well-being aspect of transition, but proper caring requires bringing into play the other eight concepts. (Sumner, F., J., 2005). Communication
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Health Article Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Health - Article Example It is also important to know that sexual health is affected by socio-economic and political factors. The physical factors include chronic illnesses and even medical treatment that hinders the sexual functioning of the human being. These also include sexually related diseases such as STIs/ HIV and reproductive tract infections. Infertility also contributes to sexual health problem. And this does not only serve as a physical factor but also emotional and mental. Among the mental factors, mental incapacity hinders us in achieving optimum sexual health. Retardation as a hindrance, have an effect on the sexual urges and the perceptions of a person suffering from mental retardation on sexuality. Anxiety and fear on the other hand is a by-factor of sexual coercions like rape and molestations. When anxiety is developed, a person looks at sexual relationship as a non-gratifying behaviour. When this happens, a person's sexual health is at risk. Social factors on the other hand go beyond medical concerns. These include sexual awareness leading to unwanted pregnancies, which can also have disturbing effects on the health of the women. It may also be linked with sexual coercion. Limited knowledge on safe sex also hinders general sexual health.
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