Monday, August 24, 2020
A Study in Contrast Three Best Ways to Get a Message across through the Lens
To survey a site as far as its structure and the message that it passes on or endeavors to pass on isn't simple, in light of the fact that, generally, the portrayal is constrained to the meaning of a specific devise and the discourse on whether the given devise works or not, and why.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on A Study in Contrast: Three Best Ways to Get a Message across through the Viewpoint explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The given principle, fortunately, is totally inapplicable to the WePAC site, which shows an exceptional differentiation between the site’s reason and plan but, strangely enough, figures out how to draw in its intended interest group productively because of a cautious utilization of its expressive methods and the making of a particular air that makes the intended interest group both curious and energetic about what the site brings to the table. To begin with, the intended interest group referenced above must be characterized. Perceiving how the WePAC is truly interpreted as West Philadelphia Alliance for Children, clearly the association targets tending to offspring of young and youngsters. Consequently, while investigating the structure of the site and the thoughts that it is attempting to get over, it will be important to think about these messages and thoughts through the perspective of a child or a young person. As a matter of first importance, the positive issues in regards to the site structure and thoughts ought to be referenced, Much to the designers’ credit, the site offers a moderately straightforward route, which was obviously intended for youngsters and teenagers, and exceptionally brief, straightforward data concerning the organization’s crucial vision: â€Å"The West Philadelphia Alliance for Children (WePAC) is one of the chief philanthropies in Philadelphia giving proficiency projects to youthful students†(WePAC para. 2). It is likewise astounding that the drop-out menu showing up once the mouse cursor focuses at â€Å"About Us†segment contains a â€Å"Fun Facts†; the given heading is well on the way to drive children’s and teenagers’ consideration, in this manner, fooling them into getting familiar with the site and steadily getting enamored with it.Advertising Looking for paper on correspondence techniques? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The way that WePAC gives its crowd the way to spread data about the association in informal community is additionally worth referencing. While in the course of recent years, the perspective on a square of different informal community logos toward the edge of a webpage has become a component of regular web based perusing and is done anything strange, the methodology attempted by WePAC to advance its administrations in interpersonal organizations is as yet significant. Rather than giving a scope of little lo gos in the corner, the planners put an amplified picture of two key social networks’ logos (Facebook and Twitter) before the watcher, in this way, actually persuading the guest to post about WePAC. At last, the utilization of suitable pictures close to every content section so as to show the key message in a progressively realistic manner is unquestionably a savvy move. While the utilization of symbolism as a visual expansion to the data spoke to in the content is the same old thing, the decision of the photos is unquestionably worth appreciating. Of the equivalent nonaggressive shading give a role as the general structure of the site, these photos bid to the young and vivacity of the intended interest group, making a positive picture of a school and strengthening the possibility of instruction as a positive and energizing procedure. Maybe, probably the most fragile part of the site and the messages that its plan should pass on is the undeniable abuse of the indications of re ceptiveness and genuineness, for example, individuals demonstrating the palms of their hands; from one perspective, the explanations for the given selection of motions is very apparent, perceiving how, when holed up behind one’s back or somewhere down in one’s pockets, hands and particularly palms impart an amazing sign of doubt. Be that as it may, when abused in such a clear way, with an image at the landing page and a slide reoccurring each 50% of a moment, the message of the given signal turns out to be too spot on, which disturbs the audience.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on A Study in Contrast: Three Best Ways to Get a Message across through the Viewpoint explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The previously mentioned criticize, nonetheless, is a minor dump in a general decent structure of the site. One may contend that the shading cast could have been progressively excited, since the creators of the site are unmistakably attemp ting to draw in more youthful crowd and rush tem into focusing. Be that as it may, the tranquil cast of hues in the site configuration additionally fills a specific need, making a â€Å"library†air, where the emphasis is on perusing rather than boisterous exercises. Accordingly, it tends to be accepted that the site leaves a particular impression. From one perspective, the absence of brilliant hues obviously establishes the pace that the intended interest group will no doubt think about apathetic and ailing in feeling. Then again, the quiet and limited plan of the site makes the environment that understudies are well on the way to look for once they want to put in a few hours tã ªte-à -tã ªte with a book. Subsequently, the site plainly leaves its guests interested about what it brings to the table, in this manner, making the premises for the intended interest group to return for more data lastly join the club by joining and getting one of the organization’s individ uals. An ideal report in differences of promoting and opposite brain research, the plan of the given site is everything except for forgettable. Works Cited WePAC. Home. n. d. Web. This paper on A Study in Contrast: Three Best Ways to Get a Message across through the Perspective was composed and put together by client Isabella Tyler to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Preparing plagiarism-free essay review
Getting ready counterfeiting free article survey Paper survey It is intriguing to create an article survey. In addition, this task isn't confound in any way. By and by, it is as yet important to keep specific principles to compose a restrictive paper and configuration it appropriately. Down underneath, you will discover helpful hints on planning incredible surveys. On the off chance that you tail them, you will realize which way to deal with use to dissect the issue in detail. Composing an audit implies portraying occasions that occur in a book or film. It is justifiable that you read various books. Some of them are captivating, others are so exhausting. Along these lines, while setting up a survey, you have to communicate your emotions about the picked story. On the off chance that you need to deliver a paper of top quality, you should peruse the chose abstract sythesis mindfully. Coincidentally, you should make a few notes all together not miss significant subtleties. You may likewise utilize a decent book survey to see how the investigation ought to be performed. Focus on the accompanying bearings to compose your paper bit by bit: General Points Before you start setting up your work, you should remember that it is essential to arrange it in the correct way. In this way, you have to compose a reasonable and educational early on section. From that point onward, you ought to give key insights regarding the talked about book. Recall that your audit article should underline significant realities about the portrayed occasions. It doesn't make a difference whether you concur with the creators style of introducing data or not. Your errand is to furnish perusers with helpful material on the analyzed story. Making a Summary Note that it is a central area of your film survey article or another kind of paper. It is basic to depict the occasions occurring in a film or book unequivocally. Journalists utilize various techniques for getting ready synopses. Along these lines, you ought to embrace the one that appears to be successful to you. At the point when the film is watched, you have to make its short outline. It is important to concede that it isn't troublesome. In any case, you ought to compose it in great language and use articulations and word mixes in their appropriate significance. Your assignment is to make a far reaching outline, with the goal that perusers can comprehend everything admirably. Introducing Your Viewpoint It is critical to communicate your feeling about the examined issue plainly. On the off chance that you need to perceive how to do it in an appropriate way, cause you to notice a decent audit exposition model. Note that your musings ought to be communicated sensibly. You have to clarify appropriately whether a specific book merits perusing or not. Therefore, clients will conclude whether to peruse a book or not. Underneath, there are valuable tips on the most proficient method to compose an audit paper and offer your sentiment about the investigated work:Present irrefutable realities to demonstrate your supposition Peruse the book cautiously to compose a nitty gritty reviewThe clear rules given above will assist you with delivering a paper survey of prevalent quality. Before presenting the paper, ensure it is unique. Free Essay Review
Friday, July 24, 2020
What My College Essays Were [Not]
What My College Essays Were [Not] During my college application season, the adults around me (in addition to books like 50 Successful Harvard Application Essays, which I would not recommend reading) gave a lot of advice that sounded like this: “Show the admissions committee who you are!â€, “Be passionate!â€, “Don’t worry so much! You’ll be happy wherever you end up!â€, and so on. Okayâ€"I mean, these tips certainly make a lot of sense in hindsight, but they didn’t help me at all when I was actually writing my essays. If you are applying to college now, you probably know what I mean. I remember being extremely stressed out by cutthroat competition and judgment from high-achieving peers. I did not have a unifying passion, just a handful of scattered interests, a strong work ethic, and a busy life (kind of like now, ha). When I expressed concerns about my essays, my parents literally said to me, “your SAT score is high and you are a good writer so you will probably be fine.†Man, I love my parents, but this was neither helpful nor encouraging1. In lieu of repeating clichés or telling you that you will probably be fine, Ill say a few concrete things about my essays. These facts about my essays are not advice, or even guidelines. I can only tell you what I did; your mileage may vary. I will also try to offer general advice. I hope some of it is helpful. Read this first. Okay. Here we go. My essays were important. My essays were not related to my “stats.†You have your GPA, your SAT/ACT scores, etc.â€"you can’t do anything about those, so please try not to worry about them (i.e. promise me that you will stay off of College Confidential). Also, and this really goes without saying: if you feel that you have to misrepresent the truth dramatically in order to convince an admissions committee that you are a good fit for their school, you should reevaluate your approach2. A big variable that still remains under your control is your essays. What’s important in an essay? Well, I’m not on any admissions committee, so I can only speculate. Fortunately, to make your life easier, MIT published a page about what it values. Focus your application on some of these points. Or at least keep them in mind. But there is no checklist for an essay. An essay should not serve as proof that you have some list of qualities and are therefore a perfect applicantâ€"you are not, and you do not need to be. Rather, essays can shed light on how you think about the world and how you grapple with obstacles3. Remember that you are applying to be part of a student body, not just an academic community. Wherever you are applying: you are applying not only to take classes and do work there, but also to eat and sleep and socialize and grow and cry there for the next four-ish years. Don’t ever assume your numerical scores and lists of activities will speak for themselvesâ€"you have much, much more to offer than that. So flaunt it. My essays were about how I spent time. My essays did not use the word “passion.†On the content of essays: someone has probably said to you, “Write about your passions.†So you try to do exactly that. But it’s hard to go into college admissions knowing exactly what your passions are, especially because grade school tends to prevent intense pursuit of a single passion. It is not as simple as “finding what you love to do†because such loves generally are not just sitting around waiting to be discovered4. Often, you have to struggle really hard with something before you are good enough at it to really love it, but then the feelings of ~*~passion~*~ might be gone. Is it passion if you are still in the middle of the struggle and kind of hate it? Is it passion if you’ve been doing it for so long it’s like a reflex and you no longer actively feel excited about it (like math, for me)?5 People throw around the word “passion†a lot, but passion is just an emotional reaction (an ill-defined one, at that), and emotions are unreliable.6 A better guideline: write about what you’ve spent a lot of time on. Start by looking at what you’ve spent the most time on, then figure out which activities you particularly enjoyed, and then remember how you became interested in those activities and detail why they are important to you. You can also see what unifying themes (potential passions?) these activities share. Students applying to college often think they need to write a poignant story about a lifelong passion for their field of interest and fit all their extracurricular activities into this common theme. Otherwise, people say, “the admissions committee might think you were just trying to pad your application with random, impressive-sounding extracurriculars!†But come on, you are still a teenager; it is okay to have explored and changed course. It is okay to have been in the school orchestra for two years and then dropped it because you realized you didn’t want to play the violin anymore and wanted to focus on other interests. (I did this.) It is okay to still include it on your application. (I did this, too.) Dropping an activity doesn’t mean you are a flaky, useless person, and including it doesn’t mean you are a liar obsessed with impressing colleges. (I remember classmates being judgmental about this kind of thing, and these are real thoughts I had when filling out my application…yikes.) Be genuine, be honest, and do not worry if you have not been interested in the same thing since the age of three. Do not worry if you do not have a single defining experience that shaped every single goal you had afterwards. No one’s life story is that neat. My essays were restrained. My essays were not overly confessional. Nonetheless, remember that any application process is a process of persuasion. The college application process just happens to be a lot more soul-baring and personal than most. It can be a taboo to mention impressing an admissions committee, but it is also idealistic to say “Just be yourself and you will end up exactly where you need to be.†Yes, you should be yourself, but not in a completely uncontrolled way. It is necessary to consider the values of different schools and demonstrate that your personal history aligns with those values. Try to be convincing. If you’re unable to be convincing without lying, you are applying to the wrong school or using the wrong approach. Be picky about the anecdotes and details you include. There is more than one way to tell a story. There is more than one story you can choose to tell. Choose carefully! (On the other hand, in any case, there is more than one story that can work well, so it’s not as though you’re doomed if you don’t pick the perfect one.) I wrote two essays for the Common Application. The first essay was supposed to be a standard personal growth story. An exaggerated telling of a single night’s events, it came out sounding self-pitying and cloying. I spent about a month trying to rework it into something that represented me better, but I eventually threw it out and wrote an entirely different one. The second essay was weird. It was likea listicle about Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi7, written by a Joan Didion fanatic. But it was also sincere and revealing, and I loved it, especially after having it proofread and revising it many times. When December came around, I submitted it. I was not completely successful with college admissions, but I have no regrets about that essay. If you have a specific essay that makes you say, This essay is awful, and if I dont get in, I am going to regret not working harder on this essaywork on that essay first, instead of the ones you already like. Even if you dont want to look at it. Please. (Also, don’t feel pressure to write an unconventional essay solely for the sake of standing out! My Common App essay just happened to come out that way, probably because I make a lot of lists.) My essays were focused. My essays were not my entire life story. Remember that there is no way you’ll be able to fit your entire life story into your application. Sometimes people make exaggerated generalizations to fit more content into less space. If this sounds like you, and you’re struggling, perhaps try to decrease your scope and write a sharper, more specific essay? (This is possibly a matter of personal taste, though…8) When you’re caught in your own writing, it can be hard to part with distracting details. But cutting out content often makes an argument/essay stronger. If you struggle with making your essays fit word limits, it can be very helpful to get a second opinion (from someone who you think writes well) about which details are important. In the vein of what I said about not writing an unconventional essay just for the sake of standing out: don’t include details without purpose! When I was revising my friends’ essays, I constantly asked, “Why is this sentence here? What does it illustrate about you/your life/this story? What is the point of your essay, and how does this sentence move you towards your point?†If a detail doesn’t have a clear reason for being in your essay, take it out or change it. Be concise. 500 words is not a lot. tl;dr Read this. Try to include incisive, relevant anecdotes. Find a reliable proofreader. Revise, revise, revise. Try not to worry about things that are out of your control. And, of course, best of luck with everything! You can be successful with an essay I hate, an essay that looks nothing like any of mine. You are not me. Do whatever represents you best. Some helpful past blog posts Footnotes (optional) 1 Footnote 1: the one where Phoebe checks her privilege. I am lucky that I grew up in a community where I was able to even cultivate so many interests. I am lucky that people had faith in me, so I was able to thrive without a unifying passion or really needing to be convincing about my mission. I am lucky that the people around me basically trusted me to get into MIT and that deciding to apply was not an uphill battle in and of itself. Sure, this came with its own set of mental health problems, but again, I am speaking from a background of socioeconomic and academic privilege, and I am incredibly grateful for all the opportunities I was given in my young life. Not all of the expectations placed on me have been fair or healthy, but I acknowledge that being born into a high-potential, high-expectation environment is itself a privilege. Okay. Phoebe out. 2 You will suffer during your actual college experience if you have to lie to get in!!!!!!!!!! (But you probably knew that, and if you planned to lie, I doubt this will stop you.) 3 Sorry, I know “write about overcoming obstacles†is another cliché. 4 “Passion, like discriminating taste, grows on its use. You more likely act yourself into feeling than feel yourself into action.†So begin by looking at your actions. Then figure out what your feelings are. 5 Man, it sounds like I’m talking about a romantic relationshipâ€"is my love for math passionate or companionate?!?! I dont understand it, but I love it, which causes painâ€"is it all worth it?!!?!?! 6 I dont like the way this soundsI do trust my emotions sometimes, but boy are they ever fickle when it comes to big decisions. 7 Here is a TED talk related to my essay. If youre in the right mood, maybe a video will inspire you. 8 Soooo…I try to avoid making grand statements, especially in personal essays. But then again, part of my personality is that I pay a lot of attention to nuanceâ€"hmmm. Hm hm. I micromanage everything. You can probably tell from my writingâ€"for Gods sake, my blog posts have footnotes. But if you’re unlike me and are a “big picture personâ€, you can probably get away with generalizations in your essays because thats how you view the world. So do that.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Emily Grierson Need for Control in William Faulkners A...
Emily Griersons Need for Control in A Rose For Emily In William Faulkners A Rose For Emily, Emily Grierson is a woman who is used to being controlled by her father. When her father dies, she believes that she has control over him. Forced to lay her father to rest, Emily turns to her fathers equivalent: Homer Barron. Emily soon finds that Homer does not plan on staying, so she decides to kill him. By killing Homer, Emily believes that she can keep him and control him forever. Emily Grierson wants to be in control but feels that she cannot tame the domineering men in her life, at least, not while they are alive, so she gains control of them after their demise. One can clearly imagine the timid Emily†¦show more content†¦She cannot not let go of the man that has monitored her every move. We remembered all the young men her father had driven away, and we knew that with nothing left, she would have to cling to that which had robbed her. She refuses to bury her father, not because she cannot bear to part with him, but because she refuses to let go of the man that she now has complete control over. When Emily is forced to part with her fathers body she sets off to find his replacement. Emily chooses a lover that resembles her father in many ways; Homer is big, strong, outspoken, and domineering. Initially, the townspeople are happy to know that Emily is dating Homer. Of course a Grierson would not think seriously of a Northerner, a day laborer. When they realize that Emily is serious about him, they have a change of heart. Miss Emily with her head high and Homer Barron with his hat cocked and a cigar in his teeth, reigns and whip in a yellow glove. Emily does not care about the peoples reaction toward her affair with Homer. Emilys affair with a day laborer is an act of defiance, toward her father and perhaps, even the toward the townspeople. She wants to show everyone that she is in control of her life and will do as she pleases. The villagers have doubts about Emily and Homers relationship. They believe Homer is notShow MoreRelatedCompare And Contrast A Rose For Emily And A Good Man Is Hard To Find1000 Words  | 4 PagesIn William Faulkner’s â€Å"A Rose for Emily,†and Flannery O’Connor’s â€Å"A good man is hard to find,†both authors present main characters who are contrasting to the people in their society. In Faulkner’s work, Emily Grierson is an outsider because she hides herself from the people in town for more than thirty years. They have no clue that she has kept homers body in her home for so long until the day she dies. Also, in O’Connor’s work, the grandmother describes herself as a Pure, good woman but her actionsRead MoreEssay about Family Influences728 Words  | 3 Pagesviews of family. In each story a person that is influenced by their family. In Faulkner’s story â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, Emily Grierso n is influenced by her father’s control over her love life. In â€Å"The Glass Menagerie†by Tennessee Williams, Tom is influenced by both his parents, his father gives him an example to follow when it comes to abandoning his family, and his mother isn’t there for him when he needs her most. In William Blake’s poem â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper†the boy is influenced by his father whenRead More Emily Grierson’s Need For Control in Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily1783 Words  | 8 Pages Faulkner’s â€Å"A Rose for Emily,†illustrates the evolution of a small, post-Civil War community, as the new generation of inhabitants replaces the pre-Civil War ideals with more modern ideas. At the center of the town is Emily Grierson, the only remaining remnant of the upper class Grierson family, a â€Å"Southern gentlewoman unable to understand how much the world has changed around her.†(Kazin, 2). This essay will focus on Emily Grierson and her attempts to control change after her father’s deathRead More Symbolism and Theme in William Faulkners A Rose for Emily Essay examples1463 Words  | 6 PagesSymbolism and Theme in William Faulkners A Rose for Emily   In William Faulkners short story A Rose for Emily, a series of interconnected events collectively represent a single theme in the story. Symbolism is the integral factor involved in understanding the theme. A Rose for Emilys dominant theme is the search for love and security, a basic human need which can be met unfavorably in equivocal environments. Faulkners use of symbolism profoundly develops the theme of the story, bringingRead MoreBarn Burning vs a Rose for Emily1083 Words  | 5 Pages and A Rose for Emily William Faulkner creates two characters that are strikingly similar. Abner Snopes is loud and obnoxious. Because of this, most people tend to avoid him at all costs. On the contrary, Emily Grierson, a very intriguing woman from Jefferson, Mississipi, is an important figure in the town, despite spending most of her life alone. If these characters were judged purely on their reputation and physical appearance, it would be clear that Abner Snopes and Emily Grierson are oppos itesRead More The Role of the Watch in William Faulkners A Rose for Emily1199 Words  | 5 PagesThe Role of the Watch in William Faulkners A Rose for Emily Even the casual reader of William Faulkner will recognize the element of time as a crucial one in much of the writers work, and the critical attention given to the subject of time in Faulkner most certainly fills many pages of criticism. A goodly number of those pages of criticism deal with the well-known short story, A Rose for Emily. Several scholars, most notably Paul McGlynn, have worked to untangle the confusing chronologyRead MoreInside The Mind Of Emily Grierson1437 Words  | 6 PagesInside The Mind of Emily Grierson Mental illness is not an uncommon thing to come across when faced with traumatic or psychologically damaging events. It is a combination of both of these in the case of Emily Grierson within William Faulkner’s short story â€Å"A Rose for Emily†. A strong reliance on her father due to his strict rule prohibiting her from seeing other men combined with his passing and initially denial of his death results in Miss Emily being both mentally unstable and completely disconnectedRead MoreKarl Marx And Friedrich Engels’ The Manifesto Of The Communist1465 Words  | 6 Pagescan be applied to William Faulkner’s â€Å"A Rose for Emily.†This short story examines an aging icon in the town of Jefferson, Mississippi, and her reputation among the townspeople. There is a gap formed between Emily Grierson and the new, younger generation of Jefferson. The ideals and beliefs differ, and this causes the gap between the two. Through Marx and Engels’ examinat ion of this theory, the causes and effects of socio-economic relations and how they appear in â€Å"A Rose for Emily†will determine theRead MoreA Psychological Reading of A Rose for Emily Essay2883 Words  | 12 PagesFreud and Faulkner A psychoanalytic Reading of â€Å"A Rose for Emily†Abstract Undoubtedly Sigmund Freud is the father of psychoanalysis. He was an influential thinker of the early twentieth century who elaborated the theory that the mind is a complex energy-system and the structural investigation of which is the proper province of psychology. Freud articulated and refined the concepts of the unconscious, infantile sexuality and repression and he proposed tripartiteRead MorePowerful External Influence Has Stifled Women s Desires Throughout American Literature967 Words  | 4 PagesPorter’s Ellen Weatherall in â€Å"The Jilting of Granny Weatherall†and William Faulkner’s Emily Grierson in â€Å"A Rose for Emily†experience this longing for something more. Subject to the trappings of their surroundings, Emily and Ellen’s love affairs permanently affect the women but ultimately allow them to achieve total control of their lives. Small community settings in both â€Å"The Jilting of Granny Weatherall†and â€Å"A Rose for Emily†enable the townspeople to concern themselves with the personal affairs
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Shakespeare - 661 Words
Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore, So do our minutes hasten to their end; Each changing place with that which goes before, In sequent toil all forwards do contend. Nativity, once in the main of light, Crawls to maturity, wherewith being crown’d, Crooked elipses ’gainst his glory fight, And Time that gave doth now his gift confound. Time doth transfix the flourish set on youth And delves the parallels in beauty’s brow, Feeds on the rarities of nature’s truth, And nothing stands but for his scythe to mow: And yet to times in hope my verse shall stand, Praising thy worth, despite his cruel hand. Summary This sonnet attempts to explain the nature of time as it passes, and as it acts on human life. In the first quatrain, the†¦show more content†¦In the third quatrain, the metaphor becomes one of time as a personified force, a ravaging monster, who digs trenches in beauty, devours nature, and mows down all that stands with his scythe. Clearly, these images develop from one another: the first describes the way time passes, the second describes the way a human life passes, and the third describes the way time is responsible for the ravages in human life. Each quatrain is a single four-line sentence, developing a single argument through metaphor: time passes relentlessly, human life is cripplingly short before it quickly succumbs to age and decay, time is the ravager responsible for the downfall of men’s lives. This is one of the great themes of the sonnets. In the couplet, the speaker then stunningly declares that he has found a way to confound time: his verse, despite time’s â€Å"cruel hand,†will live on, and continue to praise the worth of the beloved. This is the often-invoked corollary to the great theme of time’s passage: the speaker, disappointed that the young man will not defy time by havingShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Works Of Shakespeare1126 Words  | 5 Pagesstor y of the author himself; William Shakespeare. Shakespeare was born April 26, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, which is located in the United Kingdom. Even though his goals were to become an actor, he fell into writing and become one of the most well-known writers in his life. There s a lot of controversy surrounding Shakespeare and there s many people who believe that he, himself did not write his famous plays, sonnets, and poems. In his lifetime, Shakespeare wrote thirty-seven plays, five longRead More shakespeare Essay1595 Words  | 7 Pages The Discrepancies of Shakespeare nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Shakespeare is a world renowned playwright. Most people could describe at least of one of his plays, poems, or sonnets. However, not many people can recall the details of his personal life. Some may know that he was married, while others believe that he gay. Since there are so many discrepancies concerning William Shakespeare, it can no longer be determined what the facts are and what is fiction. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The discrepanciesRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare1735 Words  | 7 Pagesin a name? Would not a rose by any other name smell as sweet?†William Shakespeare, a name we have all heard at some point, but who is he? William Shakespeare, the man who has influenced our culture through his various literary works. What is the truth behind the brilliant man whom penned the renowned words filling the pages of the ever significant Romeo and Juliet, Much Ado About Nothing, or The Tempest? William Shakespeare was born William Shakspere. Aside from contemporary and popular beliefRead MoreReligion in Shakespeare1024 Words  | 4 PagesThe religion of William Shakespeare is a subject about which very few people have a complete understanding. His plays and poems contain an almost overwhelming number of biblical references and allusions to biblical thinking, which can be seen as either Protestant or Catholic in understanding. His concealment of various understandings and interpretations of religious ideology make it difficult to ascertain his own religious beliefs, however, through further analysis of [insert names of plays], onceRead MoreShakespeare and Kingship1614 Words  | 7 PagesIn writing his history plays, Shakespeare was actually commenting on what he thought about the notion of kingship. Through his plays, he questions the divine right of kings, which the kings and the aristocracy used heavily in their favour to win the peoples love. 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And considering we live in a world where right and wrong is all about perspective, well-done antagonists can be especially exciting.†(Hansen) Shakespeare develops his antagonists in a way that makes them interesting to the audience and does so especially well in his plays Othello, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Hamlet. Each play has an antagonist, or something near one in the case of Midsummer Night’sRead Moreshakespeare influences16068 Words  | 65 Pagesï » ¿ RESEARCH TOPIC An Analytic Review Of Shakespearean Influence On Faulkner s Tragedy RESEARCH QUESTION How Shakespeare tragic patterns influenced on William Faulkner s writings? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Social Structure of the Society Free Essays
string(33) " qualified teachers are trained\." ?MINISTERY OF EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS Belarus State Economic University REFERAT: â€Å"SOCIAL STRUCTURE OF THE SOCIETY†Minsk 2008 What is social structure of the society? Any object has its structure. As the noun â€Å"structure†is rendered as â€Å", , †, structure is defined as functional interdependence of elements constituting the carcass of an object. The society has social structure. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Structure of the Society or any similar topic only for you Order Now The concept of social structure was pioneered by G. Simmel, then developed by K. Marx, E. Durkheim but became most known due to T. Parsons who created structural functionalism. There are various approaches to studying social structure of the society but they didn’t avoid influence of structural functionalism in any way. Due to the functionalist perspective, social structure is the carcass of a social whole (society or its part) the elements of which are invariable in time, interdependent of each other and largely determine the functioning of the whole in general and its members in particular. The focus is made on both interdependence – it’s like a house: take some brick off the wall and the whole building may ruin, and function – take a log: it can be burnt to get warm or used as construction material to build a house. In other words, structural functionalism analyzes parts of the society in terms of their purpose within the whole. It’s clear that social structures of ancient and modern societies differ from each other. This difference is caused by diachronic changes taking place in the society: although the structure presents a stable carcass, it is stable or invariable only for a definite period of time, and historically it changes. Social structure is qualitative certainty of the society which means that change in structure leads to radical, qualitative change in the society. Structure ensures stability required for the functioning of associated social elements which accumulate quantitative changes up till the moment when they turn to quality, and a need for structural changes in the social object rises. For instance, development of the bourgeoisie and proletariat as classes and formation of new relations of production lead to a bourgeoisie revolution and change of the socio-economic system. Social structure is characterized by the following main attributes: hierarchy – vertical and horizontal arrangement of structural elements which is based on their unequal access to authority, income, social prestige etc. interconnection of structural elements which is realized through exchange of resources, information, sharing values etc. ; differentiation into the smallest elements and their integration into the whole; flexibility, capacity to change so it is an important part of the management. Traditionally, theorists identify the following types of social structure: socio-demographic, socio-class, socio-ethnic, socio-professional, socio-confessional etc. No doubt, any social object has its structure. For instance, at analyzing a labour collective we may consider employees within the socio-professional structure: those who got secondary, vocational and higher education, scientific qualifications, representatives of various professions, specializations, their levels of qualification. The socio-demographic structure suggests analysis of employees according to the age and gender: the young up to 30, middle-aged, those of pre-pension and pension age, males and females. There are different types of social structure. A famous Russian theorist M. N. Rutkevich identifies three basic types. The first one characterizes the process of historical development of mankind, i. e. a global structure of human society consisting of nations, states and their various associations. The second type comprises relations between various spheres or subsystems of social life. The third type comprises relations between social groups and other communities of people. The last two types reflect some settled approaches to consider social structure. In social structures of the second type their elements are viewed as relatively independent subsystems or spheres of social life (politics, economy etc). Their number is a point for debate. For instance, G. Hegel and F. Engels spoke of politics, economy and family; modern theorists perceive four spheres: culture, politics, legislation and economy although they don’t deny that other spheres can also be seen in religion, science or in family. Anyway, less debated is a position of the Russian researcher A. I. Kravchenko who divides the society into economic, political, social and spiritual spheres. Economic sphere includes four types of activities – production, distribution, exchange and consumption. It provides eans for increasing the material welfare of the society: enterprises, banks, markets, money flows and the like that enables the society to use available resources (land, labour, capital and management) in order to produce the amount of goods and services sufficient enough to satisfy people’s essential needs in food, shelter and leisure. About 50% of the economically active population take part in the economic sphere as the young, old, disabled do not produce material wealth. But indirectly 100% of the population participate in the economic sphere as consumers of created goods and services. Political sphere includes the head of the state and the state bodies such as government and parliament, local bodies of power, the army, the police, taxation and customs bodies which together constitute the state and political parties which are not part of the state. Its objective is to realize the goals of the society: to ensure the social order, settle conflicts arisen between partners (employers, employees and trade unions), defend the state frontiers and sovereignty, impose new laws, collect taxes etc. But its main objective is to legalize ways of struggle for power and defend the power obtained by a particular class or group. The objective of political parties is to legally defend the diversified political interests of different, very often opposite, groups of the population. Spiritual sphere includes culture, science, religion and education and their artifacts such as monuments and establishments of culture, pieces of arts, research and learning institutions, temples and cathedrals, mass media etc. If science is aimed at discovering new knowledge in various spheres, education should translate this knowledge to the future generations in a most effective way, for schools and universities are built, new programs and teaching methods are worked out, qualified teachers are trained. You read "Social Structure of the Society" in category "Papers" Culture is designed to create values of arts, exhibit them in museums, galleries, libraries etc. Culture also comprises religion which is considered the pivot of spiritual culture in any society as it gives sense to human life and determines basic moral norms. Social sphere embraces classes, social layers, nations associated by their relations and interactions. The given sphere of the society is understood as narrow and wide. In its wide meaning the social sphere is a totality of organizations and establishments that are in charge of the population’s wealth; they are shops, transport means, communal and consumer services, establishments of catering, medicine, communication, leisure and recreation. Thus, as such the social sphere covers almost all classes and layers – the rich, the poor and the middle class. In its narrow meaning the social sphere is designed for the members of the society who are regarded as socially unprotected (pensioners, unemployed, with low incomes or with many children etc) and the establishments that provide their service, namely, the bodies of social security (including social insurance) of both local and national subordination. In this case, the social sphere is designed for the poorer layers of the population. There are other approaches as to the number of parts or spheres of the society but they are all united by a view that social subsystems cannot exist as isolated. They are arranged in a pattern of relationships that, together, make the system. The social naturally penetrates into the productive and managerial spheres since people of different nationalities, ages, sexes and confessions can work together at an enterprise, on the one hand. On the other hand, if the country’s economy doesn’t perform its main objective to satisfy the population with the sufficient amount of goods and services, the number of jobs doesn’t increase, there may arise negative consequences in the society. For instance, the money is short to pay wages and pensions, unemployment appears, the living standards of the socially unprotected layers are decreasing, crimes are increasing etc. In other words, success or recession in one sphere has a great influence on prosperity in the other one. The third type of social structure is best developed by structural functionalists who assert that structure arises out of face-to-face interactions of people. Interactions make up patterns which are independent of the particular individual, because patterns are determined by social norms and values of the given society. For instance, somebody needs money. He can earn it, but if in some society robbery or burglary is not disapproved of, he may rob someone to reach the purpose. So patterns exert a force which shapes behaviour and identity. That’s why T. Parsons and his supporters define social structure as the way in which the society is organized into predictable relationships, or invariable patterns of social interaction called institutions. Social structure does not concern itself with the people forming the society or their social organizations, neither does it study who are the people or organizations forming it, or what is the ultimate goal of their relations. Social structure deals rather with the very structure of their relations – how they are organized in a pattern of relationships, or institution. So due to structural functionlism, structural elements of the society are social institutions and social groupings; structural units are social norms and values. Social groupings and communities Social groupings are social groups, social classes and layers, communities, social organizations, social statuses and roles. A group is a number of people or things which we class together, so that they form a whole. In our minds we could group any assortment of people together. For instance, you could group together Phillip Kirkorov, your nearest relative, the person who sat opposite you last time you were on a bus, Santa Clause and a shop-assistant from the Hippo market in Serebryanka. But a social group, however, means more than just an assortment of people. There must be something to hold them together as a whole. To be a social group, people must: interact with one another, perceive themselves as a group. Social group is an assortment of people associated by a socially significant distinction, people who interact together in an orderly way and perceive themselves or perceived by others as a group. Any social group is characterized by a number of attributes: interaction within a group is realized on the basis of shared norms, values and expectations about one another’s behaviour; groups develop their own internal structure: kernel and periphery, norms, value, statuses and roles; they can be rigid and formal or loose and flexible; there is a sense of belonging, individuals identify with the group; outsiders are distinguished from members and treated differently; groups are formed for a purpose – specific or diffuse; eople in a group tend to be similar, and the more they participate, the more similar they become. There are a lot of classifications of social groups. The first one embraces statistical and real groups. A statistical group is an assortment of people differentiated by a definite characteristic that can be measured. For instance, citizens are people living in formal settlements called cities. A real group possesses a number of characteristics describing i ts immanent essence. So, citizens are people living in cities, who live an urban way of life with highly diversified labour (mainly industrial and information kinds) and leisure activities, with high professional and social mobility, high frequency of human contacts in formal communication etc. According to this definition, only a part of the statistical group of citizens comply with the criterion of being urbanites, or not everyone who lives in city can belong to the real group of citizens. Another type is a reference group as any group we use to evaluate ourselves, but it doesn’t necessarily mean we must belong to it. It is like a target group in the market: a target group of black BMW cars is composed of people with high income, of a certain age, males etc. David is a person with such characteristics but he doesn’t like BMWs. He prefers Volvos. The normative function of the reference group is to set and enforce standards of conduct and belief. Its comparison function is viewed as a standard by which people can measure themselves or others. For instance, we compare confessional groups to examine some features, let’s say, Jews and Protestants, and find out that Jews display 20% greater tolerance. So if you are a Jew, you’re perceived by others as a more tolerant person. Social groups can also be classified according to their size, character of organization, emotional depth, accomplished objective etc. According to size, groups can be small, middle-sized and large ones. Small social groups, normally small in number, are characterized by human interactions in the form of direct contacts like in families. The smallest groups are stable and more constraining, but offer more intimacy and individuality. As size increases, freedom increases, but intimacy declines and the emerging group structure tends to limit individuality. Contacts are frequent and intensive; members take each other into account as they group together on the basis of shared norms, values and expectations about one another’s behaviour. As more people are added to the group (up to 20), complexity increases, subdivisions appear. Middle-sized social groups are relatively stable communities of people working at the same enterprise or organization, members of a social association or those sharing one limited but large enough territory, for example, people living in one district, city or region. The first type is called labour-organizational groups, the second one – territorial groups. People are united into labour-organizational groups to accomplish a certain purpose or objective that determines its composition, structure and type of activities, interpersonal interaction and relations. Large social groups are stable numerous collections of people, who act together in socially significant situations in the context of the country or state, or their unions. They are classes, social layers, professional groups, ethnic groupings (nationalities, nations and races), demographic groupings (the young, the old, males and females) etc. With regard to all of them, a social group is a patrimonial, collective concept. People’s affiliation to a large group is determined by a number of socially significant distinctions such as class affiliation, demographic factors, form and character of social activities etc. In large social groups, interaction bears both direct and indirect character. According to the character of organization, groups are distinguished as formal and informal ones. Formal groups are collections of people whose activities are regulated by formal documents such as legislative norms, charters, instructions, registered rules, bans or permissions sanctioned by the society, organization etc. At performing some activities members of the formal group are in terms of subordination, or hierarchically structured submission. Such groups are academic groups, labour organizations, military units etc. Informal groups don’t have formally registered grounds for their existence. They are formed on the basis of common interests or values, respect, personal affection etc. which cohere individuals into more or less stable entities such as a group of friends, a musical band, Internet chatters etc. Behaviour of their members is regulated by special non-written laws and rules. In such groups membership is voluntary, and members may resign at any time. Due to emotional depth of interrelations within the group, primary and secondary groups are differentiated. A primary group is, as a rule, a small social group whose members share personal and enduring emotional relations which are established on the basis of direct contacts reflecting the members’ personal characteristics. The examples are a family, a group of friends, a research group etc. A secondary group is a large and impersonal social group whose members pursue a special interest or activity. In such a group people’s ability to perform particular functions, not their personal qualities, is highlighted. This is the way that social organizations with their departments and job hierarchy are set up and function. The personality of any of its member is of very little significance for the organization. As roles in the secondary group are strictly fixed (John is a student, Mr. Brown is the dean), very often its members know too little about each other. Besides, in the social organization of an enterprise, both roles and ways of communication are fixed. If a student is in trouble, he can’t apply straight to the University rector but first to the tutor, dean or prorector, then to the rector. While studying human society sociologists are interested in larger groups of people at the meso – and macro-levels, or those ones called social communities. There are a lot of definitions of such a phenomenon but theorists agree that members of the community should possess a similar quality such as age, gender, job, nationality etc. and consider similarity as one of the main distinctions of the community. Examples are natural-historical communities like tribes, families, nationalities, nations and races; mass groups like crowds, TV audience etc. A more important distinction of the social community is social interaction between its members. Interactions may be more enduring that determines a long-term existence of communities such as nations, races, and less enduring that is typical for occasional communities such as crowds, lines, passengers etc. But even occasional community with weak ties has its patrimonial and specific distinctions, regulating collective behaviour. Besides similarity and social interaction, a social community also suggests that the actions undertaken by its members are oriented by expectations of behaviour of other individuals in the community. It encourages people’s deeper solidarity that forms a cohered group – a basic element of the society. Judging by it, a social community may be defined as natural or social grouping of people characterized by a common feature, more or less enduring social relations, goal attainment, common patterns of behaviour and speculation. A social class is also considered as a structural element of the society. Although approaches differ, in general the concept of a class is connected with people’s relation to the means of production and character of acquiring wealth under a market economy. The known examples of a class are the nobility, bourgeoisie and proletariat. In each class society there are fundamental and non-fundamental classes. Fundamental classes are distinguished by a dominating way to produce material wealth within the socio-economic system (feudal, capitalist etc), for instance, under capitalism its fundamental classes are the bourgeoisie and proletariat. Non-fundamental classes are available because the rests of the previous relations of production are still kept in the society or new ones are emerging. A social layer is an assortment of people who are distinguished by their social status and who perceive themselves cohered by this community. A social status is one’s position (place) in the social structure of the society connected with other positions by the system of rights and obligations. The status of a teacher has its meaning only with regard to a student, not to a passer-by or doctor. The teacher should translate knowledge to the student, check up how knowledge is learnt and assess it etc. The student should regularly attend lectures, prepare for seminars, pass credits and examinations in time etc. In other words, the teacher and the student enter into social relationships as representatives of two large social groups, as bearers of social statuses. Social status is often considered as the â€Å"standing†, the honour or prestige attached to one’s position in the society. In modern societies, occupation is usually thought of as the main dimension of status, but even in modern societies other memberships or affiliations (such as ethnic groups, religion, gender, voluntary associations, hobby) can have an influence. For instance, a doctor will have a higher status than a factory worker but in some societies a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant doctor will have a higher status than an immigrant doctor of minority religion. Every person can have several social positions, or statuses called by R. Merton a status set. Among them there must be the main status; it is a status used by the individual to identify himself or by other people to indentify a definite person. For males it is their occupation (a lawyer, banker, worker), for females it is a place of living (a housewife) but there exist other variants. It means that the main status is of relative character as it is not directly associated with gender, race or occupation. The main status is one that determines the person’s way and style of life, patterns of behaviour, friends etc. Sociologists differentiate between social and personal statuses: social status identifies the person’s position in the society which he occupies as a representative of a large social group (occupation, class, nationality, gender, age or religion); personal status is the person’s position in a small group identified by how the members of the group estimate and percieve him due to his personal qualities. Being a leader or outsider, winner or loser means to occupy a certain position in the system of interpersonal, not social relations. Statuses are also distinguished as ascribed and achieved ones. Ascribed status is a social status a person is given from birth or assumes involuntarily later in life. For example, a person born into a wealthy family has a high ascribed status. Achieved status is a sociological term denoting a social position that a person assumes voluntarily which reflects personal skills, abilities, and efforts. Examples of achieved status are being an Olympic athelete, a criminal, or a teacher. Achieved statuses are distinguished from ascribed statuses by virtue of being earned. Most positions are a mixture of achievement and ascribment; for instance, a person who has achieved the status of being a doctor or lawyer in Western societies is more likely to have the ascribed status of being born into a wealthy family. The mentioned statuses are considered basic statuses which include kinship, demographic, economic, political and occupational statuses. There are also a number of non-basic statuses such as those of a passer-by, driver, reader, TV-watcher, witness of a road casualty etc. They are temporal positions and their rights and obligations are not registered as they are hardly fixed. No doubt, the status of a professor determines much in life of a certain person; as for his status of a patient, it does not. If a social status identifies a particular position of an individual in a given social system, a social role represents the way that he is expected to behave in a particular social situation. Each individual plays many roles in the society; in one situation he is a boss, in another – a friend, in the third – father etc. All roles that a person plays are called a role set. Roles are identified as ascribed if we are forced to play and as achieved if we choose to play them. The first is a role of a son or daughter in relations with a parent, the second – a subordinate with a boss. Roles have two further dimensions: the prescribed aspect of a role, or role expectations, and role performance. The prescribed element in any role provides a norm-based framework governing the way people are generally supposed to interact. People expect one conduct from a banker and quite another – from an unemployed person. Role performance is what a person eally performs within this framework. Each time a person who performs a certain role builds his behaviour according to the expectations of the social milieu. If his actual behaviour differs from what is expected, it means that conformity to culturally appropriate roles and socially supported norms is not created. Behaviour, which doesn’t correspond to the status, is not considered an appropriate role. F or instance, if somebody came into the classroom, introduced himself as a teacher but then started painting the wall or washing the windows, his behaviour is a role but not that of a teacher. In the society various social control mechanisms exist to restore conformity or to segregate the nonconforming individuals from the rest of society. These social control mechanisms range from sanctions imposed informally – for example, sneering and gossip – to the activities of certain formal organizations, like schools, prisons, and mental institutions. Social institutions Another structural element of the society is social institutions. These are not buildings, but organizations, or mechanisms of social structure, governing the behaviour of two or more people. Institutions are identified with a social purpose and permanence, transcending individual human lives and intentions. For example, the institution of the family and marriage, of religion etc. American sociologist Erving Goffman (1922-1982) asserts that an institution is a place, like a building, in which activity of a particular kind regularly goes on. He uses this term for somewhere that embraces everything that its inhabitants do – where they live, work, play, sleep, day in day out. Members of the society have a similar mental concept of right and wrong, order and relationships, and patterns of good (positive values). As the broadest organizers of individuals’ beliefs, drives and behaviours, social institutions evolved to address separate needs of the society, for instance, the military institution evolved out of the need for defense. Each society has a number of needs but those of fundamental character are only five. Consequently, there are five fundamental social institutions ensuring social needs in: procreation of the population (that of the family and marriage); social order and defense (the state, political institutions); getting means for existence (the production, economic institutions); translating knowledge, socialization of the growing-up enerations, training personnel (education in its broad meaning including science and culture); solving spiritual problems, looking for sense of life (religion). So social institutions can be defined as organized patterns of beliefs and behaviours centered on basic social needs, adapting to specific segment of the society in question. American so ciologist T. Veblen is the founding father of institutionalization as he was a first to give a detailed description of social institutions in his book, The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899). He showed that evolution of the society is a process of natural selection of social institutions which by their nature present habitual ways to react to stimuli created by external changes. Early mankind is known for promiscuity or non-regulated sex relations that could result in genetic degeneration. Gradually such relations began to be limited by bans. The first ban was that of incest, forbidding sex between kinship relatives, such as mother and son, brother and sister etc. The given ban is the first social norm, considered the most important in history. Later, other norms regulating sex relations appeared. People learnt to survive and adapt to life by organizing their relations with norms. Norms of family and marriage behaviour translated from generation to generation became collective habits, customs, traditions that regulated people’s way of life and their thinking. Those who broke such traditions (deviants) were punished (sanctioned). This is the way how the most ancient social institution of the family and marriage might have emerged. And this is the way why norms and values have become structural units of the society. There are three terms to be differentiated in the related area such as â€Å"institute†, â€Å"institution†and â€Å"institutionalization†. To institute something is to bring it into use, set it up, or establish it by practice. A father might speak of instituting some changes in his family, perhaps forcing the children to be respectful, and not giggle at his words. An institute may be something that has been set up, for example, an association of women calls itself the â€Å"Women’s Institute†. If institution is spoken about, it is meant a totality of customs or practices that was established by the members of a particular society, by God, or just an established and respected practice (with no reference to its origin). Institutions are used about parts of the society, not the whole. As a society is created by the interaction of people, they establish ways of interacting that are acceptable or unacceptable. When a way of behaviour is both emotionally satisfying and leads to rewards from others, it becomes institutionalized. The way by which behaviour, custom or practice is institutionalized, is called institutionalization. For instance, institutionalization of any science means working out various standards, laws, setting up research institutes, laboratories, faculties, departments at universities, also publishing textbooks, monographs and journals, training specialists in the area etc. Thus, the concept of a social institution defines an aggregate of people whose activities in a certain area are regulated with inflexible systems of social, legal or other controls by organizations originally created for beneficial purposes and intents. As any structure, it is presented by its structural elements although some sociologists argue against, defining them as attributes. Structural elements of the society’s fundamental institutions Institutions Fundamental roles Physical features Symbolic features Family and marriage Mother Father Child House Plot of land Furniture Rings Engagement Marriage ceremony Economy Employer Employee Seller Buyer Enterprise Office Shop Bank Money Securities Trade mark Marketing Politics Head of the state Member of parliament Law-maker Subject of law Public buildings and places Flag Constitution Hymn Law Religion Priest Parishioner Bishop Cathedral Church Chapel Christ Bible Confirmation Education Teacher Student Professor School University Textbook Qualification Diploma Degree At the same time fundamental institutions are divided into smaller units called non-fundamental institutions. For instance, economy can’t operate without such practices as production, distribution, market, management, accounting, etc. ; the institution of the family and marriage includes such practices as martenity, vendetta, sworn brotherhood etc. So non-fundamental institutions are social practices or customs, for example, vendetta or celibacy can be identified either as a tradition or settled practice. Both are right as the fundamental institution includes both traditions and practices. If the purpose of fundamental institutions is to satisfy the basic needs of the society, non-fundamental institutions perform specialized objectives, serve particular traditions or satisfy non-fundamental needs. For instance, a higher school as a social institution meets the social need in training highly qualified specialists. By its character of organization, institutions are subdivided into formal and informal ones. The activities of formal institutions are regulated by strictly settled directions such as law, charter, instructions etc. Formal institutions are often bureaucracies in which the functions of bureaucrats are impersonal, i. e. that their functions are performed independently of their personal qualities. In informal institutions playing a very important role in interpersonal interaction, their aims, methods, means to achieve objectives are not settled formally and not fixed in the charter. For instance, organizing their leisure time, teenagers follow their rules of game, or norms which allow them to solve conflicts. But these norms are fixed in public opinion, traditions or customs, in other words, in informal sanctions. Very often public opinion or custom is a more efficient means to control an individual’s behaviour than legislative laws or other formal sanctions. For instance, people prefer being punished by their formal leaders than being blamed by colleagues or friends. Both formal and informal institutions have functions. To function means to bring benefit. So, the function of a social institution is the benefit that it contributes to the society. In other words, the outcomes or end-products of the system, institution and the like are referred to as its function. If besides benefit there is damage or harm, such actions are referred to as dysfunction. For instance, the function of a higher education is to train highly qualified specialists. If the institution functions badly due to some circumstances (lack of personnel, poor teaching, or methodical and material basis), the society will not get specialists of the required level. It means that the institution dysfunctions. Functions and dysfunctions can be manifest if they are formally declared, perceived by everybody and obvious, and latent which are hidden, or not declared. To manifest functions of a secondary school those of getting literacy, enough knowledge to enter university, vocational training, learning basic values of the society may be referred to. Its latent functions are getting a definite social status which enables to become ranked higher than those who are illiterate, making stable friends etc. Functions and dysfunctions are of relative, not of absolute character. Each of them can have two forms – manifest and latent. In one and the same time both a function and dysfunction may be manifest for some members of the society and latent – for the other ones. For instance, some people consider important to obtain fundamental knowledge at university, others – to establish necessary links and relations. Latent functions differ from dysfunctions by that they don’t bring harm. They only show that the benefit from any institution (system etc) can be larger than it is declared. To sum it up, each of the institutions reflects a different aspect of the society. Each of them performs a different role in the society fostering spiritual, social, or educational development. On a larger scale, these organizations exemplify the links that bind a society together. BASIC CONCEPTS Achieved status – a social position that a person assumes voluntarily which reflects personal skills, abilities, and efforts. Ascribed status – a social position a person is given from birth or assumes involuntarily later in life. Class – an assortment of people united by their relations to the means of production and character of acquiring wealth under a market economy. Dysfunction – bring harm. Flexibility – a capacity to change. Formal group – a collection of people whose activities are regulated by formal documents such as legislative norms, charters, instructions, egistered rules, bans or permissions sanctioned by the society, organization etc. Function – bring benefit. Informal group – a group formed on the basis of common interests or values, respect, personal affection etc. which cohere individuals into more or less stable entity. Institutionalization – the way by which behaviour, custom or practice is institutionalized. Large social group – a stable numerous collection of people who act together in socially significant situations in the context of the country or state, or their unions. Latent function – a function if it is not formally declared, perceived by people or obvious. Main status – a status used by an individual to identify himself or by other people to indentify a definite person. Manifest function – a function if it is formally declared, perceived by everybody and obvious. Middle-sized group – a relatively stable community of people who work at the same enterprise or organization, members of a social association or those sharing one limited but large enough territory. Personal status – a person’s position in a small group identified by how the members of the group estimate and percieve him due to his personal qualities. Prescribed element (role expectation) – what provides a norm-based framework governing the way people are generally supposed to interact. Primary group – a small social group whose members share personal and enduring emotional relationships which are established on the basis of direct contacts reflecting the members’ personal characteristics Real group – any group of people possessing a number of characteristics describing its immanent essence. Reference group – any group one can use to evaluate oneself, but it doesn’t necessarily mean one must belong to it. Role performance – what a person really performs within the norm-based framework. Role set – all roles that a person plays. Secondary group – a large and impersonal social group whose members pursue a special interest or activity. Social community – a natural or social grouping of people characterized by a common feature, more or less enduring social relationships, goal attainment, common patterns of behaviour and speculation. Small group – a group normally small in number, characterized by human interactions in the form of direct contacts like in families. Social group – an assortment of people cohered by a socially significant distinction, people who interact together in an orderly way and perceive themselves or perceived by others as a group. Social institution – organized patterns of beliefs and behaviours centered on basic social needs, adapting to specific segment of the society; an organization, or mechanism of social structure, governing the behaviour of two or more individuals; a totality of customs or practices that was established by the members of a particular society, by God, or just an established and respected practice. Social layer – an assortment of people who are distinguished by their status and who perceive themselves cohered by this community. Social role – the way that a person is expected to behave in a particular social situation. Social status –a person’s position in the society which he occupies as a representative of a large social group. Social structure – the carcass of a social whole (society or its part) the elements of which are invariable in time, interdependent of each other and largely determine the functioning of the whole in general and its members in particular (functionalist perspective); the way in which the society is organized into predictable relationships, patterns of social interaction. Statistical group – a group of people differentiated by a definite characteristic that can be measured. Status set – the number of statuses which a person has or acquired. Structure – functional interdependence of elements constituting the carcass of an object. Additional literature 1. Blau P. Exchange and Power in Social Life. (3rd edition). – New Brunswick and London: Transaction Publishers, 1992. – 354 p. 2. Bourdeiu P. Logic of Practice. – Cambridge: Polity Press, 1990. – 382 p. 3. Coser L. The Functions of Social Conflict. – Glencoe, Ill: Free Press, 1956. – 188 p. 4. Durkheim E. The Division of Labour in Society. – New York, NY: Free Press; 1997. – 272 p. 5. Durkheim E. Suicide. – New York, NY: Free Press; 1951. – 345 p. 6. Sztompka P. Sociology in Action: The Theory of Social Decoding. – Oxford: Polity Press, 2001. – 415 p. How to cite Social Structure of the Society, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
The Age of Adz by Sufjan Stevens free essay sample
I am a sixteen year old girl. To think of a sixteen year old girl, one might think of a fake blonde, short-shorts wearing teeny-bopper who spends an exorbitant amount of money on a cell phone bill, lip gloss, and listens to Taylor Swift during a horrific breakup-there are many of those for a sixteen-year old girl, and these relationships are extremely ephemeral. But I am different. Yes, I am a fake blonde, but not the platinum color you might think of.My short-shorts are high waisted, as opposed to denim. I cost little on a cell phone bill, own the same lip gloss I bought in seventh grade, and I have never had a boyfriend, or listened to Taylor Swift religiously. But here is someone I HAVE listened to religiously: Sufjan Stevens. This is MY Taylor Swift, the artist I listen to when I have a bad day, or even boy problems. We will write a custom essay sample on The Age of Adz by Sufjan Stevens or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page His newest album, Age of Adz, came out when we were both growing up. I was growing up from small crushes to big time love, and he grew up from indie-folk to experimental electronic music. Track 1, Futile Devices, still has a slightly indie feel, with its background guitar. I listened to this song after a boy turned his back on me, and when it was pouring rain every day where I live. This is why I recommend listening to this song with Rainymood, it only adds to the true perfection of the vocals and instrumentals. On this particular track, his voice soars to the high-pitched guitar, which is mentioned in the song. And when you play guitar, I listen to the strings buzz/the metal vibrates underneath, your fingers I love this song to pieces, which makes it hard to write about. You MUST listen to this song NOW. I dont care if you exit out of my review. I want you to experience what I have experienced. Another favorite song on this album is Vesuvius, which is what I like to call my 4AM song. In the middle of the night, when I cannot sleep, this song stimulates my deepest emotions and then relaxes them, so that sleep will be imminent. The final track I will mention is Now That Im Older. I listened to this two days in a row-one day when I was younger, the next day when I was older. This does not refer to a birthday, it refers to a day in which I was forced to grow up swiftly. In the background of this piece, a chorus sings several notes, their voice wobbling. Sufjans voice is edited so that previous notes can be heard over the current one. This song also speaks of heartbreak and the pain of quickly growing up, something that many teenage girls can deal with. I have only touched on his most recent album, which abruptly changed from his others, which featured an innocent, pure indie folk melody. I write of this new album because I too, have abruptly changed. Every girl has undergone this abrupt change from knowing exactly who you are to knowing nothing. Our 4AM music is abused during this time, because only music can give us solace. My hope is that someone will read this and instead of turning on Dear John at 4AM, they will instead turn to the haunting sound of Vesuvius. And when walking to school on a rainy day, they will turn to Futile Devices. And during inevitable heartbreak and confusion, I know for a fact that Now That Im Older goes right along with your feelings.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
A Report on Cloning A Little Biased essays
A Report on Cloning A Little Biased essays Cloning is a new technology that humans have just acquired. Before, cloning was something that you could read about in a science-fiction book for a buck. Now, we have seen proof of cloning with the sheeps called Dolly. The big question is if we should clone humans. There are only two ways this could be possible. The first way involves splitting an embryo into several halves and creating many new individuals from that embryo. The second method of cloning a human involves taking cells from an already existing human being and cloning them, in turn creating other individuals that are identical to that particular person. With this technology almost at our fingertips, another huge question is: Would it be ethically right to clone a human or human parts? My answer to this question is maybe. It all depends on what we use this technology for. I would say yes to this scenario: An elderly man develops macular degeneration, a disease that destroys vision. To bolster his failing eyesight, he receives a transplant of healthy retinal tissuecloned from his own cells and cultivated in a lab dish. Some guy uses clone technology to create the perfect solider. With this technology, he destroys the world. Another huge question on peoples mind is: Would it be morally right? My answer is again maybe. If it is being used to benefit someones health, I say yes. If you are creating a whole human, I say no. It is not our job to play God and create humans. God gave us the gift of reproducing to be used between a man and a woman. Not by scientists in a lab. A third question people are wondering about is: What emotional effects would be put on the clone? My answer would be that no emotional stress would be put on the clone. It would survive like a regular person. It would act like a regular human. ...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Where to Find Full-Text Sociology Journals Online
Where to Find Full-Text Sociology Journals Online Finding full-text sociology journals online can be difficult, especially for students with limited access to academic libraries or online databases. There are a number of sociology journals that offer free full-text articles, which may be especially useful for students who do not have easy access to an academic library. The following journals offer access to a selection of full-text articles online. The Annual Review of SociologyThe Annual Review of Sociology, in publication since 1975, covers the significant developments in the field of Sociology. Topics covered in the journal include major theoretical and methodological developments as well as current research in the major subfields. Review chapters typically cover social processes, institutions and culture, organizations, political and economic sociology, stratification, demography, urban sociology, social policy, historical sociology, and major developments in sociology in other regions of the world. The Future of ChildrenThis publications aim is to disseminate information on issues related to childrens well-being. The target of the journal is a multidisciplinary audience of national leaders, including policymakers, practitioners, legislators, executives, and professionals in the public and private sectors. Each issue has a focal theme. Topics covered have included the protection of children, children and poverty, welfare to work, and special education for children with disabilities. Each issue also contains an executive summary with recommendations and a summary of articles. Sociology of Sport OnlineSociology of Sport Online is an online journal that deals with the sociological examination of sport, physical education and coaching. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive HealthPerspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health (formerly, Family Planning Perspectives) provides the latest peer-reviewed, policy-relevant research and analysis on sexual and reproductive health and rights in the United States and other industrialized countries. Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular CultureThe Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture is a scholarly record of research and opinion on the intersection of crime, criminal justice, and popular culture. Western Criminology ReviewThe Western Criminology Review is the official peer reviewed publication of the Western Society of Criminology which is devoted to the scientific study of crime. Keeping with the Societys mission as stated by the president of WSC the journal is meant to provide a forum for publication and discussion of theory, research, policy, and practice in the interdisciplinary fields of criminology and criminal justice. Globalization and HealthGlobalization and Health is an open access, peer-reviewed, online journal that provides a platform for research, knowledge sharing and debate on the topic of globalization and its effects on health, both positive and negative. Globalization essentially refers to anything supra-territorial, anything that transcends the geopolitical boundaries of the nation-state. As a process it is being driven by liberalisation of markets and technological advancements. In essence, it is about human proximity people are now living in each others metaphorical pockets. Behavior and Social IssuesBehavior and Social Issues is an open-access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal that serves as a primary scholarly outlet for articles that advance the scientific analysis of human social behavior, particularly with regard to understanding and influencing important social problems. The primary intellectual frameworks for the journal are the natural science of behavior, and the sub-discipline of cultural analytic science. The journal is particularly interested in publishing work related to issues with social justice, human rights, and environmental implications, but all significant social issues are of interest. IDEA: A Journal of Social IssuesIDEA is a peer-reviewed electronic journal created for the exchange of ideas related mainly, to cults, mass movements, autocratic power, war, genocide, democide, holocaust, and murder. International Journal of Child, Youth, and Family StudiesThe International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies (IJCYFS) is a peer reviewed, open access, interdisciplinary, cross-national journal that is committed to scholarly excellence in the field of research about and services for children, youth, families and their communities. Social MedicineSocial Medicine is a bilingual, academic, open-access journal published since 2006 by the Department of Family and Social Medicine at Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine and the Latin American Social Medicine Association (ALAMES).
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Images Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Images - Essay Example e image and clarity of the image have been presented very well as the viewer does not take much time to visualize on the content and the composition of the image. In fact, the artist in his painting techniques had designed the image to create a sense of humor to any viewer that could be viewing the image for his work or any study purposes o any other purpose. Most of the images made by using different kind of color as this artist has used are mostly appealing to the viewers as they are simple to understand and interpret. There is less time involving in visualizing their composition. Contents and the forms of such particular images also present a cool temperature nature of the conditions they were taken. 2. The image below is that of altostratus clouds. These clouds are usually characterized by dense, gray layer cloud that is often evenly and opaquely to enable any form of a little sunshine to penetrate. In this image, the background is very dim and thereby portraying that the atmospheric perspective point from where the photograph was captured. It could have been at the very far distance or from an aerial point of view. Observers can articulate from the image that that the art of calligraphy was of low representation as it its hue is much dim. The photo seems to be from an area that had very bright light hence interfering with the color strength of the background of the product. From the look of the image, observer can represent its temperature to be that of a cool scenario due to its dimness. The artist, therefore, could have used any of the complimentary colors; that is either red and yellow or yellow and blue or yellow and violates to give the image the strongest contrast it could have. People can also see the use of pointillism when viewed from a very close range since there are some small dots that could be seen at the background of the image. The small dots that the artist used during his painting work could also create an impression on the image as of
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Neo-Frankenstein movie analysis-NOT MOVIE REVIEW OR SYNOPSIS OF IT Assignment
Neo-Frankenstein movie analysis-NOT MOVIE REVIEW OR SYNOPSIS OF IT - Assignment Example This is where the utopia theme comes in handy as the movie begins with a utopia world setting. It is surprising how fast & furious six franchises evolved from the previous version of the same movie that addresses the man-machine problematique and still going strong. This is after twelve years of half dozen speedometer busting adventure and with the main casts in the movie being Vin diesel, Paul walker, Dwayne Johnson, Luke Evans and Michele Rodriguez, the movie more than one basic themes of human nature (Oates,1994). The movie also begins with machine problem as a theme where Rodriguez’s lets the longtime main squeeze of virtuoso thief Dom Toretto (Vin Diesel) go without knowing the enemies are after them. Government agents keeping company with some very bad dudes have spotted Michele the long time squeeze: a team of elite stunt driving thieves bent on stealing a powerful electronic gadget. Their leader, Shaw (Luke Evans), who talks a lot about living by a code is a British-ac cented mastermind, is an excellent foil for Dom. He has a similarly rigorous worldview. Shaw makes the difference as he believes in keeping his associates expendable, while Dom has avuncular attachments to his associates: His former rival Brian O’Conner (Paul Walker) is his brother-in-law, having long since married Dom’s sister Mia known as Jordan Brewster and drive off into the Italian sunset. Other themes include love, power, compassion, social justice and desire. Throughout the movie, there is vivid presentation of individualism where a character like Dom wants to remain the mighty when it comes to being the savior and king of the road. This movie provides a good platform of borrowing bits of stunt car parlance made famous by the one and only Quentin Tarantino. This makes me say that the brand is death proof because having all those memories about â€Å"Fast and Furious six†shows the attachment to the life people led before civilization Quoted from the movie . The director of the movie makes the characters talk many things about their country, America, and fellow girls as well as criminals in America and they wished time would run back and enjoy the man-machine problematique. For Example, â€Å"did I consider myself a good driver, I might say my sufferings were great: but when I compare my lot with that of most of my competitors, I regard myself as a Particular favorite of Heaven" (James, 2013). In the movie, â€Å"Fast and Furious 6†, Dom makes sure he identifies himself with his former fellow race men when attacking the heavy lorries that they steal merchandize from although they tend to give him extra treatment and care when it comes to gender roles which itself is individualism. Michele Rodriguez does not like the idea of getting extra treatment and care from the rest as she considers herself as one of them. Regarding the white man, there is presentation of the theme if social justice. Luke Evans does not apologize at all fo r adopting his bad character because it is through the white man that he makes others better drivers and man-machine problematique handlers meaning he is a role model to many drivers. This is all based on the theme of history because without history the movie could not have had content (Collins, 2001). Throughout the movie both Dom and Michele Rodriguez should have had a different approach to love and call for the same to the rest of the world. they say one of the calls is romance and happiness do
Saturday, January 25, 2020
My Educational Philosophy Essay -- Philosophy of Education Teaching
My Educational Philosophy Philosophy can be broken up into different components. The first being the purpose of education, second, the nature of knowledge the students has, third the nature of the student, fourth the method that is used when teaching, and last, but not least the curriculum that is taught in schools. I feel that the purpose of education is to create a better person as well as a better environment. Today, people need education more than ever, whether its preschool, middle school, high school, or even college. If a person has an education, they will have better job stability, which means that wouldn’t lose their job. Technology gets better day by day. Jobs that required manual work fifteen years ago are now using computers or machines to get the work done. For example: factory’s these days use computers and machines to do mostly all the work, unlike years ago when everything had to be done by hand. I do not know, nor do I want to know how it would feel to have a nonliving â€Å"thing†to take my job. This could cause a person to have some serious mental downfalls which brings me to Rousseau. I agree with him when he says people should be able to make their own decision and have the right to choose to be good, physically fit, and happy. These three important thi ngs can better a persons life. The nature of knowledge is what I want to talk about next. Knowledge to me is comprehension that sticks with a person eternally. I believe knowledge can be on inherited from other family members. Fortunate for some, not too fortunate for others. Most children are born with the ability to learn, but, how fast a pace they learn makes a difference. A perfect example is if a student goes to Harvard, more than likely has previou... ... will give me the opportunity to make these ideas I have into reality. I know that after few years of teaching, I will make a lot of changes and adjustments. Seeing the varieties of teaching styles of my co-workers as well as experimenting. eventually would like to be able to join groups with other teachers and professionals that will allow me to learn more about teaching. Well, there you have it, my philosophy of education. I am aware that there are many ways of teaching and I am going to experience the different kinds. I am going to be very open-minded about other teachers philosophies and not criticize them. The variety of people is what makes the work â€Å"go round†and that is why all the teachers have different ways of teaching. However, I feel that the importance of these five components need to be stressed throughout the classrooms in all types of schools.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Dynamis Fund case study Essay
Compared to individual portfolios, such funds woo investors by offering several advantages namely: professional asset/money management, liquidity and more diversification than most individuals can create or afford in a personal portfolio. The brokerage’s motivation in recommending energy investments can be explained by the high commission that could be earned. Hedge funds charge a fee for assets under management and incentive fees based on a certain percentage of the profits earned. With good stock picking, the brokerage would be able to earn profits in both up and down markets. A regional broker would want to offer hedge funds because they are only lightly regulated and thus the fund managers can use more advanced investment strategies such as a leveraged and derivatives positions. It is stated in their selling memorandum that their mission is to exploit investment opportunities in publicly traded companies in the energy sector. Hence, the fund seeks to generate above average returns relative to both S&P Energy composite and the broader market through a variety of investment instruments. Also, the fund’s use of various strategies will be designed to minimize risk while maximizing potential return, again increasing the commission that could be paid to the hedge fund managers. This potentially high level of compensation helps the brokerage retain talented brokers and specialists, raising the reputation of the firm. Furthermore, investing in energy funds serves as a diversification tool. This is because from historical records, energy prices have had a high correlation with inflation. In times of rising inflation, energy funds have been found to perform better than the market. Thus, they are able to act as a source of risk diversification. This explains the presence of a market for such energy funds. 1 In addition, energy funds have been a very popular fund with investors. The high dependence on oil in all parts of the world has made energy stocks a hedge for emerging market portfolios. With a demand for such energy stocks, a regional brokerage will want to cash in on this opportunity and offer energy funds. In order to cater to a larger crowd of investors, the brokerage firm will offer energy hedge funds to sophisticated investors and energy mutual fund to general public who will like to invest in energy fund, but are unable to do so given their smaller amount of capital. Investing in energy funds is often complicated and risky, given the volatility of such commodities. Brokerage firms have a fiduciary responsibility to research on such funds before recommending them to their clients. They have to ascertain if the investments are suitable for the clients based on their age, investment experience and tolerance for risk. In view of this, investors prefer a firm that can provide them with personalized services suited to their needs and risk tolerances. To be able to get these services, most of these investors go to regional brokerage firms. Such regional brokerages can deliver the attention to their clients due to their small size. Thus, with such demand in energy funds, regional brokerage firms would be able to make a profit out of offering such instruments. It will allow them to better position themselves in the market. 2. Why did S&S start a hedge fund in addition to its energy portfolio The Energy portfolio is essentially a long equity fund for investors to buy stocks. It is stated that in their selling memorandum that the Energy Portfolio will seek to earn above average returns by investing in smaller and medium-size companies that are growing earnings and cash flow in a dramatic way. Therefore, it can only stand to gain when the market goes up. On the other hand, the introduction of the hedge fund will provide benefits to both its investors and the fund manager in the following ways: 2 For the investors, the hedge fund acts as a better investment for reaping returns in both bull and bear markets by having both long and short positions. Also, hedge funds are lightly regulated as compared to mutual funds and thus the fund managers can pursue more advanced and a wider range of strategies including leverages, derivatives, short sales, options and futures contracts. The flexibility in managing the hedge funds allows fund managers to exploit opportunities within the energy sector. The potentially higher returns attract investors with higher risk tolerance. Hedge funds cater to sophisticated investors who earn a minimum amount of money annually and have a certain amount of net worth, along with investment knowledge. It helps to cater to the needs of the sophisticated investors and target a substantially different market from the mutual funds. This is in line with S&S’s corporate strategy of providing the best possible service to its retail customers and continuing to grow the asset management business. As for the fund managers, a hedge fund provides a radically different incentive package than the typical mutual fund. The fees paid by investors are higher as compared to that for mutual funds, including additional fees that mutual funds do not charge. There are no restrictions on the fees a hedge fund manager can charge, as compared to mutual fund fees which are regulated and transparent. The energy hedge fund charges a 1% management fee, which is for the same service that the management fee covers in mutual funds. This fee alone may form a substantial part of the fund manager’s profit, thus making the management of the hedge fund attractive to the fund manager.
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